Learn here how to track the traffic of each store versions separately by using the Google Analytics service.

This article is about the old Google Analytics extension.

There is a new Google Analytics 4 extension, which enables you to use the newest version of Google Analytics in your store.

Google will sunset the old Analytics version on 1 July 2023.

It is recommended to use the old and new Google Analytics extension side-by-side until the old version seizes to function.

Read more about the differences between the old and new Analytics.

Store version traffic used to be tracked in Google Analytics by using segments. Currently, due to changes introduced by Google, views are used instead.

To learn more about views, see Google's instructions.

To track multiple store versions by using a single Google Analytics account, in Google Analytics create a separate view for each version you'd like to track, and filter version traffic based on the URL address.

The easiest way to create new views is by copying your online store's default view. In this way, you'll only have to define filter settings for each new view.

Before copying the default view, make sure that site search tracking and online store tracking have already been enabled for the default view and that the general view settings are correct. The settings are copied to new views, so getting them right at the beginning will save you time in the long run.

  1. Log into your Analytics account.
  2. Go to Admin > View Settings.
  3. Click Copy view.
  4. Enter a name for the new view according to the store version you'd like to track, so that you'll be able to identify it later on.
  5. Click Copy view once again.

You have now created a new view for the store version you'd like to track.

Next you can create a filter for fetching the traffic from the desired store version to the view.

  1. In the upper left side of the page, select the view you've just created.
  2. In Google Analytics, go to Admin > Filters.
  3. Click + Add filter.
  4. Enter a name for the filter that makes it clear which store version it is applied to.
  5. As the filter type, select Custom > Include and, as the filter field, select Hostname.
  6. In the text field, enter the URL address of the version you'd like to track. Make sure that you precede all dots with a backslash \.

    For example en\.store\.fi

  7. Valinnainen: Use Filter Verification to test the filter before saving it.
  8. Finally, save the filter.

After creating a separate view for a store version and defining the filter for it, on the front page of your Analytics account you'll see the view under your online store's profile.