Solteq Tekso is a versatile and scalable point-of-sale system for companies specializing in retail and specialty trade. MyCashflow's Tekso extension enables you to automatically transfer data related to the store's products, pricing and stock balance between the two systems.
With Solteq Tekso, you can manage your MyCashflow store's product catalog and orders. The Solteq systems for physical stores contain a point-of-sale system, as well as operations and chain control features.
In MyCashflow, a natural option for a POS system that integrates with the online store is MyCashflow POS, which is built into the e-commerce system.
Using the service is subject to fees. Request an offer from Solteq.
Installation and setup
Read also the general extension installation and deployment instructions.
Extensions are not available in MyCashflow Free plan.
If you use this extension, make sure that all products and product variations have unique product codes.
Duplicate product codes are bound to cause issues during data transfers between the systems.
Enabling Solteq Tekso will be carried out as a paid, custom project in which MyCashflow and Tekso teams integrate your online store with the Tekso system. The project usually takes between 4–6 weeks.
You'll receive detailed integration instructions at the beginning of the project. If you'd like to start using Solteq Tekso, request an offer from MyCashflow's and Solteq Tekso's customer service.
Deleting products
Once your online store has been integrated with the Solteq Tekso point-of-sale system, you'll have to manage your products slightly differently from before. The recommended way in which products should be deleted will depend upon whether sale of the product is to stop either temporarily or permanently.
1) Sale of the product has ended permanently
If a product has run out of stock and won't be available again, you can remove it from the Tekso system. In this way, the product will also be removed from your MyCashflow admin panel and online store thanks to automatic data transfer.
If you remove a product in MyCashflow's admin panel, the product will be recreated during the next automatic data transfer, and its order history will be reset.
2) The product might be back on sale later
If a product is temporarily unavailable and will be back in stock, don't delete it. Deletion will reset the product's order and stock history, which might be problematic when the product is back in stock.
If you don't want an out-of-stock product to appear in your online store, hide the product.