In this section you'll learn how to add new products to your MyCashflow online store, manage the existing ones, and perform other product-related actions.

To access functions connected to managing products, go to the admin panel's Products page.
To open the product card, which contains detailed information about the product, select the product's name from the list on the Products page. You can also manage some of the product's properties here, such as its stock details.

Products in the online store

In your online store, the products are listed, for instance, on the product category and brand pages as well as on other product lists implemented in the store theme.
From the product list, visitors to your store can access the product's individual page with detailed information about the product.

The design and properties of the product page depend on your store theme. The product page will usually contain product images and descriptions at least, as well as purchase tools for adding products to the shopping cart.

Variations, customizations, and downloads

MyCashflow enables you to create different, changeable product properties by using the following functions:

  • Variations: Variations are used for creating different models of the same product (e.g. clothing sizes and colors). Use variations if you want to track the stock balance for each model separately.
  • Customizations: Customizations are used to add different properties to the product, from which the customer can select the ones that suit them best. Use customizations if you do not need to track the stock balance for different properties of a product.
  • Downloads: you can also add downloadable files to the product, which the customer will be able to download after paying for the order.

The Products page and the product card

In the online store's admin panel, you can manage your store's products and the related contents on the Products page. Here you can

The main view of the Products page constitutes a product list that, by default, displays your online store's products according to their last revision dates.

When you select a product category, brand or supplier from the left-side pane, the main view's list will display the products included in the specified selection.

In the upper right corner there is a search field that you can use to find the desired product. Next to the search field, you can find tools for filtering and ordering product lists.

Product card

When you open a product on the Products page, you will see a product card with a summary of the product details. Here you can also manage the following information:

Adding and editing products

Before adding products to your online store, think what kind of product it is:

  • Are there different models of the product (e.g., clothing sizes and colors) with separate stock balances to be followed? In the case of such products, you may want to create product variations.
  • Does the product have changing properties that do not have to be accounted for in the warehouse (e.g. T-shirts with prints that the customers can select themselves)? If that is the case, you may want to use customizations.
  • Is the product completely digital? Does it contain downloadable files? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, check out downloadable products.

Here is how to add a new product to your online store:

  1. In the admin panel, go to Products.
  2. In the upper left corner, click Add product.
  3. Fill in the product form.
  4. Save the product by pressing the Save button on the bottom of the page.

After saving the product, you'll be redirected to the admin panel's product card, which contains the product summary and certain product settings.

After creating the product, you can enable stock management for it, create variations and customizations, and also add downloadable files to it.

Product visibility in search

If you use the Free plan, the newly created product will immediately become visible in search results in the customer area.

In the paid plans, products are indexed by the search engine during the night, once every 24 hours. This means that the product may not immediately appear in the online store's search results.

Find out more about how the search engine works ›

The product form's fields

In this section, you'll learn about the product form's fields and the details entered into them.

Basic information

  • Product name: Give the product a descriptive name. Note that the first thing visitors usually see about the product is its name and image. In the name, use the relevant keywords, bearing in mind search engine optimization, but don't make the name too long.
  • Show in version: select the store and language versions in which the product should be visible.

    You must select at least one version for the product to make it visible in your online store.

    Make sure to write the content text in all the languages that you select at this stage.

    See also the instructions on how to translate your online store ›

  • including VAT: Enter the product's selling price including taxes. Also select the tax rate.

    The available tax rates are defined based on your online store's country of operation. You can select the desired country of operation in your online store's settings, on the page Settings > General settings.

    If you are also registered as a taxable dealer in another EU county or in the UK, you can set the local VAT rates for customers residing in those countries in the VAT rates according to the country of destination section on the Settings > Order settings page.

    Learn more about selling goods to consumers in another EU country or in the United Kingdom.

    When necessary, you can edit the order product's tax rate on the order page after the customer has already ordered the product.

  • Weight: Enter the product's weight, and select the package size used to deliver the product.

    Make sure that you indicate the correct weight, as the order shipping costs are calculated based on the order products' weight. Find out more about shipping methods.

    Review your store's shipping methods and ensure that at least some of them have weight limits and package sizes compatible with the new product. Otherwise, your customers won't see any shipping methods at the checkout when purchasing the product.

    Learn more about how shipping methods are selected for products.

  • Product image: As an option, you can also add a product image. When creating the product, you can upload one image first and add more images later.

    After uploading the file, you will see the image preview.


You can also add the product directly from the product form to any of the active campaigns:

  1. Select the campaign in the Pricing section.
  2. Enter the product's selling price in the campaign.

    To define the product's price according to the campaign's discount, review the campaign's products after saving the product.

  3. Click Save.

Description & product details

  • Description: Provide a short and easy-to-read description which includes the most important information about the product.
  • Product information: Provide a more in-depth description with detailed information about the product's properties and uses. Organize the text by using subheadings and other styles. Also be sure to use related keywords in order to optimize the description for search engines.

    Detailed product information helps customers decide whether to purchase the product. Additionally, a well-written description helps the page to rank higher in Google search results.

  • Keywords: Enter a list of keywords describing the product. Separate keywords with commas or spaces.

    Define a moderate number of keywords and use them consistently for the various products in your store.

    The keywords will be used in your online store's internal search engine, so think which keywords your customers are most likely to use when looking for your products. Keywords do not influence your online store's visibility in web search engines.

Visibility settings

  • Show in category: Select a product category for the product if you've already created your online store's product categories. You can add the product to as many product categories as you wish.

    If you do not select any product category, the product will not be displayed in your online store's navigation and product lists.

  • Featured product: You can also mark the product as featured so that it will be displayed on the list of featured products.

    In the default theme, featured products are displayed on your online store's front page as well as in the Recommended area. You can freely choose a location in the store theme to add them in.

    The printing of the products to be advertised in the store theme is done using the {HotPicks} tag.

    Also see the instructions on using Interface tags.

  • Brand: Select the brand if it has already been added to your online store.

    If it hasn't, you can add it by clicking the Add brand link. Learn more about adding and editing brands.

Purchasing price, product numbers & supplier details

  • Warranty: Where relevant, indicate the product's warranty period in months.
  • Limited availability: If the product is not always available, define its limited availability period.

    Once the defined period ends, purchasing the product will no longer be possible.

    If you'd like an unavailable product to be automatically hidden, this can be implemented by modifying the layout theme.

    Find out more about creating pre-order products ›

  • Set visible from: Set the precise time at which the product should become visible (but not available for purchase) in your online store.
  • Set purchasable from: Set the precise time at which the product should become available for purchase in your online store. If you've defined an end date for a Limited availability item, the product's availability will end on that day at midnight.
  • Order limit: The minimum and maximum quantities that the customer must observe while placing an order.

    The order limit also applies to variations. For instance, if the maximum order quantity for a product with variations is three and the customer orders three different variations of the product, the limit is reached.

    The order limit does not apply to products that belong to a product bundle. So a customer can order an amount that exceeds the purchase limit if the product belongs to bundles in an order.

  • Purchase price: The supplier price that you paid when purchasing the product. Indicate the price excluding taxes. The purchase price is the basis for calculating the product's margin on reports and the overview.
  • Product code: The product code is used mainly to identify the product when transferring data between MyCashflow and other software (e.g. when using extensions for financial administration software).

    If you create product variations, make sure that you provide a unique product code for each variation.

    Make sure that the product codes are unique

    If multiple products or variations have the same product code, errors are bound to occur during data transfer between systems.

    Do not use the same product codes for products and variations. Even if duplicate product codes do not result in any errors, they will make it more difficult to manage the products.

  • Supplier and supplier's product code: Add a new supplier by clicking the Add supplier link and entering the supplier's name in the text field.

Search engine optimization

If you have installed the Web Designer extension, in the Search Engine Optimisation section you can specify the document and page titles and meta description that will appear in search engine results. (Find out more about optimizing your MyCashflow online store for search engines)

The page title serves as the content header on the online store's product page, while the document title is included in the tab label at the top of the browser window or below the address bar. If you leave the title empty, MyCashflow will use the product name as its substitute.

In addition to search engine optimisation, you can set a Google product category for product feeds or ads and, if necessary, mark the product as adult content.

Template file

If your online store has the Web Designer extension, you will also see the a Template file section on the form, where you can choose an alternative page template (if one is included in the store theme).

Learn more about creating custom templates.

Editing product details

You can open the product editing view from the admin panel's Products page or from the product card, which you can also access from the storefront. There are three routes to the product form:

  • You can open the product form from the Products page by selecting Edit product from the tool menu at the end of a product row.
  • Alternatively, you can click the image or name of a product to open its product card. The product form opens, when you click Edit product on the product card.
  • When logged in to the admin panel and viewing a product in your store, you can access the product form by using the Edit product function at the top of the page.

After making your changes to the product form, click Save at the bottom of the form.

Using the product quick editing

In addition to the comprehensive product form, you can use the quick editing tool, which enables you to edit the most common product details as well as notes on the product card. The quick editing tool opens in a popup and is available on the admin panel's Products page and in the storefront.

  • To use the quick editing tool in the admin panel, go to Products and click Quick edit on the product row.
  • When logged in to the admin panel and viewing a product in your store, Quick edit is available on the admin bar at the top.

After making your changes to the product form, click Save at the bottom of the popup window.

Copying products

If there are multiple similar products in your online store, copying products can speed up the process of adding new products into the store.

To copy a product, click Copy this product in the Tools pane of the admin panel's product card.

Copying creates a new product named in the following format: Copy of PRODUCT NAME. The copy contains all the details of the source product, including:

Product stock tracking

MyCashflow contains a stock management system that enables you to track your product stock. In this section, you'll learn how to enable and use the system.

The stock management system enables you to track the stock balances for your products and variations. Stock management is not applicable to customizations.

Enabling stock management for variations

If a product has variations, you won't be able to track the main product's stock balance – you'll have to enable stock tracking for each of its variations instead.

Here's how to enable stock tracking for variations:

  1. In the product card, go to the Stock tab.
  2. Select the variation you'd like to track.
  3. Fill in the variation's stock management settings.
  4. Click Save.

Stock management settings

Set the product's stock management data on the Stock product form, which is available under the Stock tab on the product card. If a product has variations, the information must be entered and saved separately in the details of each variation, which can be accessed via the list under product card's Stock tab.

You can set the product's barcode, stock place and data needed for customs clearance as well as enable stock tracking.

  • Barcode: Enter the product's GTIN (Global Trade Item Number). You can use any of the following types of identifiers:
    • EAN: European Article Number, also known as international product number (8, 13 or 14 digits).
    • ISBN: international standard book number, subset of the EAN system (13 digits).
    • JAN: Japanese Article Number, subset of the EAN system (8 or 13 digits).
    • UPC: the Universal Product Code, used mostly in North America (12 digits).

    Apart from digits, the identifier can also include hyphens. They are not technically relevant, but make the number series easier to understand.

    The right barcode helps internet search engines classify product pages and organize search results. A wrong barcode may result in the product being excluded from Google's shopping ads and product feeds.

    Barcodes that aren't correct GTINs are removed from product feeds automatically by MyCashflow. If you still want to deviate from the GTIN standard, you can ask MyCashflow customer service to disable barcode validation for product feeds.

  • Stock place: Enter the product's location in the warehouse.
  • Tariff code: Enter the CN code used in export declarations and intra-EU trade statistical declarations (8 digits). You can find the up-to-date tariff nomenclature on the Finnish Customs website.
  • Country of origin: Select the country where the product has been manufactured, assembled, or essentially finalized.
  • Enable stock tracking for this product: Enable stock tracking with additional settings:
    • In stock: Enter the product's stock balance, i.e. the number of product items available in your warehouse.
    • Alarm level: Define the critical level for the product's stock balance, at which point the stock should be replenished.

      Defining the alarm levels for your products will help you to manage your stock proactively. To avoid delivery delays, always keep in stock your online store's most popular products.

      If the product is to be ordered separately, its normal stock balance is zero, but you can set the alarm level to -1, in which case the customer's order will trigger the stock alarm.

      To see products for which stock levels have dropped to the alarm level, go to the Products page and, in the filter menu, select Stock Alarms.
    • If sold out: The options included in this setting define how sales should be continued if the product runs out of stock:

      Stop selling this product: Customers can't purchase the product until it is back in stock. By default, the product is still visible in the online store's product catalog. (If you don't want the products that are out of stock to be visible to customers, ask the designer of your store theme or our customer service to modify your store theme.)

      Keep selling this product: Customers can still purchase the product but have to wait longer than usual for its delivery. You can specify an estimated delivery time (e.g. 7 days) that will be displayed on the product page. You can also set a specific date for delivery (e.g. 31 August 2021).

Reservations and storage history

When the customer orders a product for which stock tracking has been enabled, a reservation will be created for this product. The number of reservations is displayed on the product card's Stock tab and in the Stock side bar and includes links to the list of open orders containing the product in question.

When you mark the product as delivered, the product's stock balance will decrease, and the reservation will be deleted.

With MyCashflow you can also enable a reserving shopping cart where the reservation is made as soon as the customer adds the product to the shopping cart. If you want enable the reserving shopping cart in your online store, please contact our customer service, for example by using the chat in the admin panel.

In addition, the Stock tab contains a link to the stock history, which displays the following information for each change in the product's stock balance:
  • Changed: the implementation time of the change (by default the most recent change is first)
  • User: the modifier (the change can also be automatically implemented by the MyCashflow system)
  • Source: source of change (specific order, product or variation form, CSV import, MyCashflow API or a specific integration)
  • Quantity: increase or decrease of the balance and the subsequent balance.

Using the stock history view's search field, you can directly view the stock history of other products or product variations as well.

Converting products into variations

If you'd like to add variations to a product for which stock tracking has been enabled, you can convert the main product's stock details into a variation's details.

To do so, click the turn into a product variation link in the product's stock details.
This creates a single variation based on the product details, to which the product's stock data is transferred, including possible reservations and requested availability notifications.

Deleting products

Products can be deleted in the admin panel via the list on the Products page and on the product card.

After confirming, you cannot cancel product deletion. The product information will be deleted permanently.

Recovering deleted products is a paid service that can be performed only within a week after the products have been deleted. If you want to find out more about product recovery, contact MyCashflow customer service.

You can also hide a product from your online store by deselecting all store and language versions on the product form.

To delete a product, go to the admin panel's Products page, and click the Delete product link in the tool menu on the right side of the relevant product's row.

Confirm deletion in the dialog box that opens. The product will instantly be deleted.

You can also delete a product on the product card by using the Delete product link in the Tools section.

When you delete a product, all of its product images and their miniatures are deleted automatically (unless the same product images are used by other products).

Bulk editing and deleting products in the admin panel

The bulk edit tool offers a convenient way of editing and deleting multiple products at a time directly via the admin panel of your online store.


For the bulk edit tool to work, you must have the new text editor enabled. If your online store's products still use the old editor, you'll see a prompt asking you to enable the new editor.

See also the instructions on how to enable the new editor.

Bulk editing products

Here you can learn how to bulk edit products via the admin panel.

You can also bulk edit products by using the CSV import.

Here's how to bulk edit products in the admin panel:

  1. First, filter the desired products on the Products page.

    You can filter products by using the filtering and search tools or opening the desired product category or brand in the left-hand pane.

  2. Select the desired products from the list on the Products page:

    You can select individual products (by checking the box on the left side of the product row) or all products displayed on the page (by checking the box at the top of the product list).

    You can also select products from different pages. The products you select will remain selected when you go to another page of the list.

  3. After selecting the products for editing, at the top of the list click Edit selected products.

    You will see a bulk editing table where you can edit the products you have selected and their variations. Variations are displayed each on their own row in the table.

  4. Select the details you'd like to edit from the Product columns to be edited menu above the table.
  5. Make the desired changes to the selected products.

    Double-click the field you'd like to edit in order to edit that field's value.

    See a list and additional information on data you can bulk edit.

    For some fields, you can set the same value for all products by using the Set for all function.

    The Set for all function deletes previous details and replaces them with new ones.

    In a multilingual online store, you can edit details in all the languages that are available in your store by using the language switch at the top of the field you are editing.

  6. Finally, click Save changes under the table.

Details that can be bulk edited

The bulk edit tool enables you to edit the following product details:

  • Visibility in versions (can be set up for all)
  • Selling price
  • Tax rate (can be set up for all)
  • Product description
  • Product information
  • Keywords
  • Google's product category (used only by the Shopping Ads extension, can be set up for all)
  • Product categories (can be set up for all)
  • Product advertising
  • Brand
  • Supplier
  • Warranty
  • Order limit (can be set up for all)
  • Purchase price
  • Supplier's product code
  • Product code
  • Barcode
  • Stock place
  • Stock tracking
  • Stock balance

With variations, you can edit the details listed below (these details are not available for main products):

  • Selling price
  • Purchase price
  • Product code
  • Barcode
  • Stock place
  • Stock tracking
  • Amount in stock

Bulk deleting products

Read this section to learn how to delete multiple products at a time.

After confirming, you cannot cancel product deletion. The product information will be deleted permanently.

Recovering deleted products is a paid service that can be performed only within a week after the products have been deleted. If you want to find out more about product recovery, contact MyCashflow customer service.

This is how you can delete multiple products at a time:

  1. First, filter the desired products on the Products page.

    You can filter products by using the filtering and search tools or opening the desired product category or brand in the left-hand pane.

  2. Select the desired products from the list on the Products page:

    You can select individual products (by checking the box on the left side of the product row) or all products displayed on the page (by checking the box at the top of the product list).

    You can also select products from different pages. The products you select will remain selected when you go to another page of the list.

  3. Click Delete selected products.
  4. To confirm deletion, click Delete products permanently.

The selected products have now been removed from the online store.

When you delete a product, all of its product images and their miniatures are deleted automatically (unless the same product images are used by other products).