This service allows you to connect your MyCashflow online store to over 3000 external apps supported by Zapier without programming.

MyCashflow's Zapier App enables you to process the following online store contents:

  • products
  • orders
  • customers
  • newsletter subscribers
  • changes to stock balance

Read more about Zapier on MyCashflow's website.

The service is available starting from the MyCashflow Advanced plan.


There are free and paid Zapier plans available, all of which can be used in MyCashflow. Paid plans are invoiced by Zapier.

For pricing, check Zapier's website.

Installation and setup

Enabling Zapier involves the following stages:

  • Creating a Zapier account
  • Enabling MyCashflow API and creating API credentials
  • Connecting your online store to Zapier

1/3 Creating a Zapier account

To use Zapier, you'll need a Zapier account, which you can create at

You can use any Zapier plan and also switch plans at any point, if need be.

If you've used Zapier before, you can use your current credentials.

2/3 Creating API credentials

The Zapier extensions uses MyCashflow API to transfer data between apps, so enable the MyCashflow API extension, and create new API credentials to use with Zapier:

  1. Enable the MyCashflow API extension on the admin panel's Account > Apps > API page.
  2. Create a new API user for Zapier, and copy the user's Email and API key.

    The API user's credentials will later be used for connecting the online store to Zapier.

    See the instructions on how to create API users.

3/3 Connecting your online store to Zapier

Now that you have your Zapier account and MyCashflow API credentials ready, it's time to connect your online store to Zapier:

  1. Log in to your Zapier account at
  2. Go to the My Apps page.
  3. Click Add Connection.
  4. Search for and select MyCashflow.
  5. Enter the credentials of the API user you created earlier and the store's default URL in the login form.
  6. Finally, save the form.

Your online store is now ready to be connected to other apps via Zapier.

Using Zapier

Once you've enabled Zapier and connected your online store to it, you can start creating Zaps – connections between the online store and other apps.

Zaps can be created via Zapier's website at

See also Zapier's instructions on how to create Zaps and MyCashflow's examples of the most commonly used Zaps.

Using Zap templates

MyCashflow's Zapier app includes numerous ready-to-use templates for the most common Zaps used in online stores.

For instance, you can enable with just one click a Zap that adds new newsletter subscribers to Mailchimp.

Zap templates can be found on the MyCashflow Zapier App page.

Check the actions and triggers included in the Zap template.

Whenever you enable a template, make sure to check its trigger settings and action contents. Make sure that all relevant fields contain the correct data.

When necessary, learn more about triggers and actions.

Triggers and actions

Here you can learn more about the Zapier triggers and actions that are supported by the MyCashflow Zapier App.


A trigger is an event that triggers a Zap. For instance, you can set a Zap to be triggered whenever a new order is placed in the online store or a new product is added. Below you can find a description of MyCashflow triggers.

New Customer
Uusi asiakas luodaan.
New Product
Uusi tuote luodaan.
New Email Subscription/Unsubscription
Uusi sähköpostiosoite lisätään sähköpostilistalle tai joku poistuu sähköpostilistalta.
New Customer in Customer Group
Asiakas lisätään asiakasryhmään.
New Order
Kauppaan tehdään tilaus.
New Stock Change
Varastosaldon muutos.

Actions and searches

Actions and searches are events that are performed when a trigger starts a Zap.

In MyCashflow's Zapier app, you can use actions that perform an action in MyCashflow (e.g. adding a new orderer to an email list) as well as searches that fetch contents that can be used by other apps' actions. Below you can find a list of MyCashflow's Actions.

Create Email Subscriber
Lisää sähköpostiosoitteen sähköpostilistalle.
Remove Email Subscriber
Poistaa sähköpostiosoitteen sähköpostilistalta.
Register Order Shipment
Rekisteröi lähetyksen (lisää tilaukselle osoitekortin ja mahdollisen seurantakoodin).
Add Customer to Customer Group
Lisää asiakkaan asiakasryhmään.
Find Stock Item
Etsii varastonimikkeen tuotenumeron perusteella.
Find Product
Etsii tuotteen ID:n perusteella.
Find Email Subscriber
Etsii uutiskirjeen tilaajan sähköpostiosoitteen perusteella.
Find Order
Etsii tilauksen ID:n perusteella.

Zapier usage examples

Here you can see the most common examples of how Zapier can be used in an online store.

Adding newsletter subscribers to Mailchimp

Mailchimp is a popular email marketing tool, for which there's no direct integration in MyCashflow. However, you can synchronize your online store's newsletter subscribers automatically with Mailchimp by using Zapier.

MyCashflow also has a direct integration with the Campaign Monitor email marketing tool.

Here's how to create a 2-step Zap that forwards each new newsletter subscriber to Mailchimp:

  1. Create a new MyCashflow-Zap on the page.
  2. As the Trigger app, select MyCashflow.
  3. Select New Email Subscriber as Trigger.
  4. Select Mailchimp as Action app.
  5. Select Add/Update Subscriber as Action, and define the Action's settings:
    • Audience: Select the target group to which subscribers should be added.
    • Subscriber Email: select Email.
    • Language Code: select Language.
  6. Lastly, finalize creating the Zap and enable it.

Now every new subscriber to your online store's newsletter is added to Mailchimp.

Adding new customers to a CRM system

You can use Zapier to synchronize your online store's customers with an external CRM system. The example below uses the Pipedrive app.

  1. Create a new MyCashflow-Zap on the page.
  2. As the Trigger app, select MyCashflow.
  3. Select New Order as Trigger.
  4. Select Pipedrive as Action app.
  5. Select Find Person as Action, and define the Action's settings:
    • Field To Search By: select Sähköposti and select Customer Information Email from the menu below.
    • Should This Step Be Considered A "Success" When Nothing Is Found?: select False.
    • Select Create Pipedrive Person if it doesn’t exist yet?

      In this case, a new contact will be created in Pipedrive if no contact can be found with the given email address.

    • Fill in the contact details of the customer to be created in the form.
  6. Lastly, finalize creating the Zap and enable it.

Now, for each order, it is checked whether the customer can be found in the CRM system and, if necessary, the customer details are added there.

Sharing new products on Facebook

With Zapier, you can automatically publish a Facebook post for every product you add to your online store.

  1. Create a new MyCashflow-Zap on the page.
  2. As the Trigger app, select MyCashflow.
  3. Select New Product as Trigger.
  4. Select Facebook Pages as Action app.
  5. Select Create Page Post as Action, and define the Action's settings:
    • Message: you can add e.g. the product's name (Name) and a short description (Description) to the post contents.
    • Link URL: enter the product's URL in the format (select the ID from the menu).
  6. Lastly, finalize creating the Zap and enable it.

In the future, an automatic post will be published on your company's Facebook page for each product you create, linking to the product in the online store.

Adding order processing tasks to Trello

With the Trello task manager, you can conveniently organize task related to processing your online store's orders between multiple employees.

This example shows how Trello cards can be created automatically based on orders placed in the online store.

  1. Create a new MyCashflow-Zap on the page.
  2. As the Trigger app, select MyCashflow.
  3. Select New Order as Trigger.

    In the Trigger's Status menu, select either OPEN or COMPLETED, depending on your needs. Here's how to specify when a new card should be created in Trello for an order:

    • OPEN: a card is created as soon as the customer completes the order.
    • COMPLETED: a card is created when the order is marked as delivered.

    From the Expand menu, select the relevant information. For example, the Shipments option adds shipment information to an order, including a link for downloading the shipping label.

  4. Select Trello as Action app.
  5. Select Create Card as Action, and define the Action's settings:
    • Select the Trello board and list to which new cards should be added.
    • Name: you can select, for instance, order ID and/or orderer name (Customer Information First/Last Name).
    • Description: you can include, for example, order comments (Comments) in the description.
    • URL attachments: if you've selected Shipments expand, you can select, for example, the Shipments Shipping Label URL field, through which you can easily download the shipping label via Trello (provided that a shipping label has been created for the shipment).
  6. Lastly, finalize creating the Zap and enable it.

In the future, a new card will be created in Trello for each order placed in the online store at the order processing stage you selected.