The Google Analytics 4 extension is a replacement for the old Google Analytics extension.

If the old extension has been enabled in your online store, do not remove it. Google recommends using the new implementation side-by-side with the old one until the latter is removed on 1 July 2023.

Learn more about the differences between the old and new Analytics.


Using the service is free of charge.

Installation and setup

Setting up Google Analytics involves creating a new property and data stream and copying the tracking ID of the stream to the extension settings in MyCashflow.

1/2 Getting the tracking ID

In order to use Google Analytics in your online store, you need the tracking ID of a data stream. Below, we will go through how you can create a new data stream and copy its tracking ID.

You can also use existing Google Analytics 4 properties. In that case, you can copy the tracking ID of an existing data stream and install the extension in you online store.

  1. Create a new property.
  2. Create a data stream of the Web type for the property.
  3. Copy the tracking ID from the data stream details.

    The ID looks like this: G-66X26HCFST.

2/2 Installing the extension

After creating and copying the tracking ID of the data stream, you can enable the Google Analytics 4 extension in MyCashflow.

  1. Go to the Account > Apps > Google Analytics 4 page in the online store's admin panel.
  2. Press the Add new tracking ID button and select a version.
  3. Paste the tracking ID you copied to the extension settings.

Google Analytics has now been enabled in your selected version.

Tracked events

In the online store, the Google Analytics 4 extension tracks the events listed below:

  • all page views
  • product list views (view_item_list)
  • product views (view_item)
  • the addition of a product to the cart (add_to_cart)
  • the removal of a product from the cart (remove_from_cart)
  • going to the checkout (begin_checkout)
  • finalizing the order (purchase)

Site search tracking

Google Analytics 4 tracks the online store's site search by default.

If tracking the site search does not work, check that MyCashflow's search parameter (q) has been defined in the data stream settings.

The site search settings can be found at the data stream's Enhanced Measurement item.

Tracking traffic in multiple store versions

If there are multiple versions in the online store, it may be useful to sort their visitor traffic version by version in Google Analytics. This can be accomplished in two alternative ways:

  • by using version-specific tracking IDs, or
  • by dividing the visitor traffic into audiences under a single tracking ID.

Using version-specific tracking IDs

In the Google Analytics 4 extension, you can enter a tracking ID for each of your online store's versions.

Read the installation instructions for the extension to learn more about adding tracking IDs in the online store.

Tracking multiple versions with a single tracking ID

You can sort the visitor traffic in distinct versions under a single tracking ID in Google Analytics by using audiences.

Here is how you can create a new audience for a language version in your online store:

  1. In Google Analytics, go to Configure > Audiences.
  2. Create a new audience.
  3. In the audience creation window, select Create a custom audience.
  4. Define a condition as follows:
    1. Include > Hostname > contains > [VERSION URL]
    2. As the content of the condition, enter the version's URL address and select At any point in time.
  5. Save the audience.

The visitor traffic in your selected store version is now included in the audience you have created.

After creating a version-specific audience, you can filter reports in Google Analytics by the store version by making comparisons based on the audience.