MyCashflow incorporates tools with which you can request product reviews from customers in the form of star ratings and free-form text comments. You can also display the reviews on your online store's product pages. This article demonstrates how to use the product reviews tools.

The customers of your online store can only review the products they have ordered. After a customer has placed an order, the system sends them an automatic review request via email, which takes them to the online store's hidden review page. You can specify yourself how long the system should wait after the order has been placed before sending the review request to the customer.

On the review page, the customer can provide star ratings (1–5) and optional comments for the products they have ordered. Based on the star ratings, the system calculates the product's average rating. It is possible to leave reviews anonymously if the customer does not have an account in the online store.

Pricing and availability

Product reviews are a paid add-on service that can be enabled in all paid MyCashflow plans. The cost of the add-on service consists of a monthly fee and a usage-based fee based on the number of events, which is billed retrospectively.

Read more about pricing on the service's presentation page.

Every review request sent to a customer is counted as a product review event, so you can estimate the usage fee based on the number of orders in your online store.

Enabling product reviews

Here's how you can enable product reviews in your online store:

  1. In the admin panel, go to Account > Apps > Product reviews.
  2. Enable the extension.

    The billing for the service begins after the extension has been enabled.

  3. Configure the product review settings on the admin panel's Products > Product reviews page.
  4. Make sure that product reviews are supported in your store's theme.

After product reviews have been enabled in your online store, your customers will receive review requests via email after placing an order.

You can moderate the reviews that have arrived in the online store on the admin panel's Products > Product reviews page.


To edit product review settings, go to the admin panel's Products > Product reviews page, and click Settings.

The available settings include:

  • Enabled in versions: Select the store versions in which product reviews should be enabled.
  • Delay in sending review request: Set the time period after which the review request will be sent to the customer.

Moderating product reviews

The reviews and comments left by customers aren't published directly in the online store, instead they must first be approved individually by the merchant. This way, you can ensure that inappropriate messages or questions intended for customer service won't end up on product pages.

All reviews are visible on the admin panel's Products > Product reviews page. Approved reviews are visible on product pages and e.g. in Google search results. In addition, the reviews accumulated for the product are visible on the product card.

When you publish a review, the system calculates its impact on the product's average rating, and any comments become visible in the online store.

You can also reject new as well as previously published reviews. Rejected reviews remain on the list of all reviews in the admin panel but aren't displayed in the online store.

Adding theme support for product reviews

The content of this section requires you to know how to use HTML/CSS/Interface.

If you are not familiar with modifying the source code of your online store's theme, you can ask our customer service to add support for reviews to your online store.

MyCashflow's default theme Fluid includes built-in support for product reviews.

You can collect reviews from customers and access them in the admin panel without making changes to your online store's theme, but displaying the reviews in the store's customer area requires adding the product review Interface tags to the product page template (product.html).

See the list of product review tags.

Product reviews and the Finnish Consumer Protection Act

According to the consumer protection law, online stores must provide information on whether the company has verified that the published reviews come from consumers who have actually used the product or made the purchase. Additionally, it must be made clear how this has been verified.

It is forbidden to promote sales by  

  • submitting fake consumer reviews or endorsements 
  • buying fake consumer reviews or endorsements
  • corrupt consumer reviews or social media recommendations.

In MyCashflow, you have the opportunity to ensure the authenticity of product reviews by carefully moderating them. Also, customers cannot review products they haven't ordered.

You can assert customers that the product reviews are authentic, for example, on one of your store's content pages.

Importing product reviews

If your online store has previously used an external review tool, you can import existing comments and reviews into MyCashflow's product reviews tool. This way, you don't have to start from scratch when enabling MyCashflow's product reviews.

Product reviews collected with MyCashflow's tool automatically come with the Verified buyer mark. If you import product reviews from elsewhere into the system, they won't have the same mark, but you can still publish them on product pages.

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