The Procountor extension enables you to integrate your online store's product and order management processes with the Procountor financial management system.

Procountor is a cloud-based financial management and bookkeeping system that facilitates financial management in ecommerce. You can also manage your online store's product catalog in the Procountor system.

Also, ensure that you carefully read Procountor's online manual.

Extensions are not available in MyCashflow Free plan.


Using the service is subject to fees. See Procountor's pricing structure.

Installation and setup

If you use this extension, make sure that all products and product variations have unique product codes.

Duplicate product codes are bound to cause issues during data transfers between the systems.

  1. Sign up for the Procountor financial management system via Procountor's website.
  2. In the settings for the Procountor extension, enter the password to the Procountor interface which you will have received from Procountor customer service.
  3. Make sure that all of your products have unique product codes and that the product codes in MyCashflow's admin panel correspond to those in Procountor.
  4. Define the integration settings to suit your needs. See the next section for more information.


This is where you can learn about the settings for MyCashflow's integration with Procountor:

  • Transfer orders immediately:

    You can set orders to be transferred to Procountor: automatically. With automatic transfer selected, orders are transferred to Procountor when customers arrive at the order confirmation page and email notifications are sent.

    Orders are transferred to Procountor with approximately an hour's delay.

    In the order view, you can also transfer orders to Procountor yourself one at a time, by clicking the Move to bookkeeping link in the Procountor section.
  • ProCountor registery update: select which details should be transferred to Procountor. The two types of transferrable information are products and customers.

    Make sure that the customer numbers in your online store do not coincide with already existing customer numbers in order to avoid overwriting customers in Procountor.

  • State of invoices in ProCountor: select the status to be applied to invoices that are transferred from MyCashflow to Procountor.
  • Invoice channel: if any of your store's payment methods uses the Invoice payment service, you can define how the invoice should be sent to the customer.
    • By default, all messages are sent via MyCashflow as emails.
  • Invoice date: this is where you can choose how the invoice date should be defined. The available options are the order date and the day on which the order was transferred to Procountor.
  • Payment terms: enter the payment term here in days (e.g. 14).
  • Dimension: Procountor's dimensions can be used for automatically marking your online store's sales as belonging to a certain dimension.

    Using different dimensions enables you to keep close track of income and expenses in Procountor. In this way you'll find it much easier to obtain online store-specific income statements, and the profit and loss statements that are necessary for your bookkeeping.

    In the Dimension field, enter the label for the desired dimension in the following format Dimension\Label.

    To enter multiple dimensions or dimension labels, separate them by semicolons Dimension\Label;Dimension\LabelA;Dimension2\Label.

Transferring data to Procountor

In MyCashflow, orders that have been paid for by using online payment are given the Paid elsewhere status. The statuses of orders paid by invoice are automatically updated in Procountor once payments with the relevant reference numbers have been received by the bank account.

The order's product rows are linked with Procountor based on the Product code field. So in order to receive accurate reports and keep stock balances up-to-date, make sure that you've added Procountor's product codes to the products in your online store.