By enabling Google Analytics tracking for your online store's internal search, you'll obtain useful data about the searches that your visitors perform by using your store's internal search facility. Site search tracking can be enabled in Google Analytics.

This article is about the old Google Analytics extension.

There is a new Google Analytics 4 extension, which enables you to use the newest version of Google Analytics in your store.

Google will sunset the old Analytics version on 1 July 2023.

It is recommended to use the old and new Google Analytics extension side-by-side until the old version seizes to function.

Read more about the differences between the old and new Analytics.

Site search tracking can be enabled only if site search has already been enabled in your online store.

You can also track your online store's searches by using MyCashflow's search analytics tools.

To enable Google Analytics to track your online store's searches:

  1. In Google Analytics, go to Admin > View Settings.
  2. Enable Site search tracking.
  3. In the Query parameter field, enter the search parameter (by default q).

    To identify the parameter, perform a search and check the browser's address bar:

  4. Finally, save the view settings.