With the nShift eCom PRO extension, you can enable in your online store all Unifaun delivery services with monthly pricing that is especially cost-effective for a large number of shipments.

nShift is also available as a built-in eCom LITE version with no monthly fee that you can use even if you don't have your own nShift account.

The LITE service is profitable only for stores with minor logistics needs.

The nShift eCom PRO extension is available in the paid MyCashflow plans.


The costs of using the nShift eCom PRO extension are €10/mo. + €0.30/shipment.

So, using the nShift eCom PRO extension is not invoiced jointly with MyCashflow's monthly fee.

Supported delivery services

The nShift eCom PRO extension supports all of Unifaun's delivery services.

See the list of supported delivery services.

Enabling PostNord requires additional actions. Read more ›

In the Kaukokiito Groupage service, the package size can be changed only by using printing favorites.

Installation and setup

To enable the nShift eCom PRO extension:
  • If you're not nShift's customer yet, order nShift credentials in the online store's admin panel, on the page Account > Apps > nShift.
  • Define sender details, enter the numbers of contracts with logistics companies and define the quick ID.
  • Create an API key for the online store.
  • Enter the details of the API key in the online store's admin panel, in the settings for the nShift extension.
  • Create a shipping method to use with nShift.

Below you'll find detailed instructions on how to enable nShift in your online store.

1/3 Defining sender details

Currently, you can use only one nShift sender in your MyCashflow store at a time.

  1. Log in to the nShift admin panel at https://www.unifaunonline.com.

    For credentials, see nShift's welcome message.

  2. Go to the page Maintenance > Senders.
  3. Click New Sender and fill in the sender details:
    • In the Quick ID field, enter 1.

      Without the quick ID, creating shipping labels won't work.

    • Enter your company's VAT identification number.

      A VAT number is required for non-EU shipments.

    • Fill out the form with your details.
  4. Add every logistics company that you use in the Carriers section.

    In the Carrier menu, select the logistics services you use, and enter your customer number in the field below.

  5. Finally, press Save.

After the sender details and the correct quick search ID value have been set, you can create an API key for your online store.

2/3 Creating the API key

  1. In nShift Online, go to the page Maintenance > API Keys page.
  2. To create a new API key, click New API Key.
  3. Fill in the API key's details in the form:
    1. Select Web Services (REST) as the type.
    2. Enter your email address for potential inquires.
    3. In the Developer-Id field, enter 0020011135.
    4. Save the API key.
  4. Go to the key's details and note down its Id and Secret Id.

    You'll need them when filling in the details of the nShift extension in your online store's admin panel.

3/3 Activating the extension and creating a new shipping method

  1. Sign in to your online store's admin panel and order the nShift extension on the page Account > Apps > nShift.
  2. In the extension's settings, fill in the Id and Secret Id that you've copied from the details of the API key in the nShift's admin panel.
  3. Save the extension's settings.

    Now you can create a new shipping method to use nShift in your store to enable the service to your customers:

  1. Create a new shipping method on the page Settings > Shipping methods.
  2. As the shipping method's type, select Delivery and, in the Shipping labels section, select nShift eCom PRO and the desired delivery service.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Fill in other details and define the shipping costs and weight limits.
  5. Save the shipping method.

From now on, your customers will be able to use nShift at checkout. Visit the store's public area and make sure that the new shipping method works properly by placing a test order.

To offer multiple nShift delivery services to your customers, you can create multiple shipping methods that will use nShift.

Enabling PostNord

In this section, you'll learn about the procedures required for enabling PostNord.

Testing the integration

When enabling the PostNord services, you need to make sure that the integration works properly:

  1. Create a new shipping method to use with PostNord.
  2. Place an order in your online store, and select the newly created shipping method for it.
  3. Open the order in the admin panel, on the page Orders, and print the order shipping label.
  4. Send the shipping label via email to it.fi@postnord.com.

    In the message, include the information that you're testing PostNord services in the integration between MyCashflow and nShift.

Enabling the DPD Classic service

The DPD Classic service has been discontinued. The service has been replaced with PostNord Parcel that can be used for deliveries in Finland and selected countries.

Enabling PostNord Parcel

To enable the PostNord Parcel service, fill in a separate activation form. To order the form, contact PostNord's sales at sales.fi@postnord.com. Add the following text to the message:

Our company is about to enable nShift Online, and therefore we'd like to ask for the PostNord Parcel activation form.

After filling in the form, send it to support@nshift.fi. In the message, include your nShift customer number (a number that starts with 00200 and can be found e.g. in confirmation messages from nShift).