In MyCashflow, you can create pre-order products that can be made available in your online store at a pre-defined time. You can also specify the date when the products' sale should end.

When adding a product to your online store, make sure to set its availability period in the Purchasing price, product numbers & suppliers information section:

  1. Specify at least the sale start date for the product.

    The product will appear in your store before the sale start date if you set it as visible. By default, it will also be possible to pre-order the product as long as you haven't disabled this option in your store theme.

    Make sure the product is visible in your store when its sale starts at the latest.

  2. When necessary, specify the sale end date as well.

    The product will become unavailable starting from this date. The product will be still visible in your online store, but customers won't be able to buy it anymore.