This article introduces MyCashflow's renewed discount campaigns.

Send us feedback on the new campaign tools.

The renewed campaigns are still under development, and new features are being continually added. If you would like something to work differently, please let us know, e.g. via the chat in the admin tool.

If necessary, you can also consult the guidelines for the old discount campaigns.

Buy X, get Y free campaigns

You can create campaigns in your online store in which customer can, for example, add 3 products to their shopping cart and get 1 of them for free. The cheapest of the selected products is always free.

Once the customer has selected the products, the value of the discount is displayed in the shopping cart and at the checkout in the order price information section.

Buy X, get Y free campaigns are available starting from the MyCashflow Pro plan.

Creating campaigns

Here's how to create a Buy X, get Y free campaign in your online store:

  1. In the admin panel, go to Products.
  2. Open the drop-down menu through the arrow next to the Add campaign button on the left, and select Buy X get Y free campaign.
  3. Fill in the campaign settings in the form:
    • Name: The campaign name is displayed e.g. in the menu and as the title of the campaign page, as well as in the order and shopping cart details.
    • Campaign page: You can create a separate page for a campaign in your online store that lists all the products included in the campaign. If you select a campaign page, you can also configure additional settings:
      • Show always in menu: The campaign will still be visible in the online store after the validity period has expired until you delete or hide the campaign.
      • Campaign description: You can write an optional introductory text for your campaign.
    • Discount rules: In this section, set the product quantity that entitles the customer to the discount and the number of products available free of charge (e.g. three products, one of which is free).
    • Enabled in versions: Versions in which the campaign is active.
    • Set start and end times: Select to specify the dates and times when your campaign should be activated and disabled.
    • Limited for customer groups: You can select the customer groups that the campaign is aimed at. To receive the discount, the customer must be logged-in to the online store and belong to the selected customer group.
  4. Save the campaign form.

    You will be redirected to the campaign's product list, where you can add products to the campaign.

Adding products to campaigns

You can add individual products or entire product groups to your campaigns.

  1. Select a campaign from the left-hand pane on the Products page.

    The campaign details open.

  2. Here's how to add products to a campaign:
    • To add an individual product, open the Add product menu located in the top right corner of the Campaign products section, and search for the product by using the menu's text search field.
    • To add an entire product group, open the Add category menu, select the product group, and click Add products at the bottom of the menu.

      When you add an entire product group to a campaign, only the products currently in the product group will be added to the campaign. If you edit the product group later by adding or removing products, the changes won't be automatically reflected in the campaign.

Removing products from campaigns

Products can be removed from a campaign individually or one product group at a time.

  1. Select a campaign from the left-hand pane on the Products page.

    The campaign details open.

  2. Here's how to remove a product or product group from a campaign:
    • To remove an individual product from a campaign, click the Delete link next to the product row.
    • To delete an entire product group, open the Add category menu, select the group you want to delete, and click Remove products at the bottom of the menu.

      If products in a product group have changed since it was added to a campaign, only the products that were included in the product group at the time it was added will be removed from the campaign. If necessary, remove the remaining products individually.

The moment you remove a product, it disappears from the campaign page as well. If the product has already been ordered at the campaign price, the discount price will remain for these orders.