If the product is out of stock and temporarily out of sale, customers can ask the online store to send an email notice when the product is again available. In this article, you'll learn how to use availability notifications in your online store.

The use of availability notifications requires that the Interface tag {AvailabilityNotificationForm} is included in the store theme's product template. The tag will add a form to the online store’s product page that allows the visitor to request an availability notification for a product or individual variation.

It is also possible to include a choice in the form with which the visitor can subscribe to the store's newsletter.

Tracking availability notices

The filters on the admin panel's Products- page can help you find the products for which availability notifications have been requested. In the filter menu next to the search field, select Availability notifications.
If availability notifications have been requested for a product or its variation, the number of requests is displayed on the admin panel's product list and on the product card's Stock tab.

You may want to check availability notifications every time you update the stock balances for your online store's products.

Sending availability notifications

To send availability notifications:

  1. Select a product from the admin panel's Products page by clicking the product's name or image.

    The product card's Stock tab opens.

  2. Update the product stock balance in the Stock product form field In stock. (If the request concerns the availability of a certain variation, you must first select the variation from the list on the Stock tab and then scroll down the page until the correct form appears.)

    You can only send an availability notification when the stock balance is over 0. If the product is no longer coming to stock, you can send an alternative message informing the customer that the product has been removed from your catalog.

  3. Save the updated stock balance by pressing the Save button at the end of the form.
  4. Press the Send notifications button at the top of the Stock tab.
    The window to send the availability notification opens.
  5. If the product has variations, select the variation to which the availability notification applies.

    You can only send availability notifications for one variation at a time. If there are requests for other variations, their availability notifications must be sent separately (by repeating steps 27).

  6. Edit the availability notification text in the message field of the sending window if necessary.

    The availability notification is multilingual. In the sending window, you can preview and edit the message in all the languages of the store versions for which availability notifications have been requested. Customers receive the message in the language of the store version they are using.

    You can also edit the default text and title of availability notifications in the online store dictionary.

    The preview uses the email theme of the store version you've selected in the admin panel.

    However, the notification email sent to the customer uses the email theme of the store version from which the request came. Therefore, for example, the store's logo and contact information in the notification sent to the customer may be different from the preview.

  7. Finally, click Send notification.

    Alternatively, you can reset the notification requests without sending availability notifications to customers at all.

    When you send a notification, an email is sent to all customers who requested it, and the sending queue for the product or variation in question is emptied.

Automatic availability notifications

You can set the online store to automatically send availability notifications whenever products are restocked.

Automatic availability notifications are available starting from the MyCashflow Advanced plan.

To enable automatic availability notifications, contact our customer service.

When the setting is enabled, the online store sends availability notifications to visitors who have subscribed for them whenever products' stock balances are updated through the product card, CSV import, or the MyCashflow API.

If necessary, you can take the feature out of use on the Settings > Store settings page of the admin panel under Availability notification settings.