You can use versions to translate your store into different languages or create limited areas in your online store for different purposes. Versions enable you to, for instance, create a reseller area in your online store. Here you can learn how to manage your online store's versions.
.When to use versions
Below you can see the most common use cases of versions:
- If you trade internationally, you may want to create separate language versions for each market. With multiple language versions enabled, all contents (e.g. products and content pages) can be translated into the versions' languages.
- When trading internationally, you may also want to limit certain shipping methods to selected areas with the help of versions. If a version is intended for foreign sales, you can enable international shipping methods for this version.
- You can also create separate versions for different customer bases, with different pricing and product catalog. A popular use case are B2B online stores.
- Each version can have its own store theme and URL address. Versions can also overwrite your online store's general settings. With certain limitations, a single MyCashflow account enables you to manage multiple, distinct online stores that use the same warehouse and order management.
Find out more when to use multiple versions and when it is better to open multiple MyCashflow accounts.
Versions in the online store

You can also make versions accessible only to selected customer groups or only to registered customers. Closed versions are not displayed in the version menu in the customer area.
When customers select an open version, they will be redirected to that version's front page. By default, all versions have the same front page, but, in version settings, you can also select the product category that should be used as a version's front page.