PayPal is a popular, global online payment service that enables your customers from all over the world to pay safely in your online store.

You can use the extension to enable the following functionalities in your online store:

  • User-friendly and fast online payments for PayPal users
  • Credit card payments
  • Checking payment statuses directly in your online store's admin panel

For more information about PayPal, see our website ›

In MyCashflow, the merchant's and the customer's payment information is transmitted via the secure PayPal REST API, which makes it possible to check the payment status in the online store admin panel.

To use PayPal in MyCashflow, you'll need the Premier or the Business PayPal account.

We recommend using the new PayPal REST service.

If your online stores used the old PayPal Express service, we recommend switching to the newer REST version.

Installation and setup

To use PayPal as a payment method in your MyCashflow online store, you'll need the Premier or Business PayPal account to be able to accept payments in your store.

If you are about to create an account for your company or if you need multiple user accounts, the Business account will be the best choice for you.

To enable PayPal in your online store:

  • Create a new API client for your online store in the PayPal Developer Portal.
  • Copy the credentials of the API client.
  • In the online store's admin panel, create a new payment method and add the credentials to its settings.

Start by creating a new PayPal App API client:

  1. Sign in with your PayPal account at
  2. Go to Dashboard > My Apps & Credentials.
  3. Select Live under the page title.
  4. Create a new app by clicking Create App.
  5. Enter a name for the app.

    You can give the app any name you like, such as the name of your online store.

    Enter the necessary information and press the Create App button.

    The app's details become visible.

  6. Make sure that the setting Accept Payments is selected in the app details.

    Without this setting enabled, you will not be able to receive payments via PayPal.

  7. Copy the application's Client ID and Secret for yourself.

    You'll need them in the MyCashflow admin panel while creating a new payment method to use with PayPal.

    If you don't have the Premier or Business PayPal account, the necessary credentials won't be visible in the API client's details.

    In such cases, you'll only see the Sandbox credentials used for testing, which cannot be used for transmitting payments.

After creating the API client, you can enable PayPal in your online store.

  1. Create a new payment method on the admin panel's Settings > Payment methods page.
  2. Select PayPal REST (live) as the payment service.
  3. Enter the PayPal live credentials that you've copied in previous steps to the payment method's settings:
    • Merchant numberClient ID
    • Secret keySecret

    Make sure that you copied the correct credentials.

    If PayPal won't work in your store, make sure that you copied the API client credentials from the Live view.

    The Sandbox credentials cannot be used for processing payments.

    See also PayPal instructions on how to obtain Live credentials.

  4. Click Continue.
  5. Define the payment method's settings.
  6. Test the payment method.

    To make sure that the payment method is displayed at checkout and works the way you intended, place test orders with different shipping methods and in different versions.

    Learn more about testing payment methods.

  7. Publish the payment method to make it accessible to everyone.

    The new payment method is hidden by default (meaning it won't be visible to the online store customers and will appear grayed out in the Payment methods list in the admin tool). To publish the payment method, open the payment method form and scroll the screen until you reach the Payment method visibility section. In the Show in version section select the store versions where you want the payment method to be available.

Now your customers can use PayPal at your store's checkout. You can test the functionality of PayPal by making a payment.