Here you can learn how to restrict shipping method availability based on the customer's postal code.

You can use postal code restrictions to limit the availability of a shipping method to selected locations in Finland and Åland. You can use fixed postal codes (e.g. 00100 = delivery only to the Helsinki city center) or postal code range (e.g. 00* = delivery to the whole of Helsinki).

If a shipping method is subject to a postal code restriction and the customer's address is out of its bounds, the shipping method won't be displayed at checkout at all.

Adding postal code restrictions

  1. Open the desired shipping method for editing on the admin panel's Settings > Shipping methods page.
  2. Make sure that the only countries where the shipping method is available are Finland and Åland.
  3. Add the desired postal code restrictions for the shipping method in the Allowed postal codes item.

    In the field, enter specific postal codes or use the * character to define a postal code range. For example, you can allow the entire Helsinki region by entering 001* in the field

    Once you've defined the desired postal code restrictions, the shipping method will be available only to the locations you've specified.

Removing postal code restrictions

To remove a shipping method's postal code restriction, click the icon visible next to the restriction in the shipping method's details.

When you remove a shipping method's postal code restriction, the shipping method won't be available at checkout if the customer's postal code was covered by that restriction. Removing a restriction doesn't affect already-existing orders.