You can select a point of sales for a POS order from your store versions. You can use points of sales to filter orders in reports and on the order list.

You may want to use points of sales, for instance, to separate sales made at trade fairs from purchases in the physical store. In such case, you can create a new, hidden store version and set it as a point of sales for all purchases made at a trade fair.

Setting a point of sales for an order

  1. Open or create a new POS order on the Orders page of your online store's admin panel.
  2. Click Change point of sale.
  3. Select the version with which the order should be associated.

Using points of sales in reports

  1. Filter all orders that use the point of sales of your choice by using the filtering tools on the admin panel's Orders page.

    Points of sales can be found in the Version menu.

  2. Save the search.
  3. Open the Reports > Orders page.

    The Reports > Sold Products report supports filtering points of sales too. In this way, you can see e.g. which products sold best at a trade fair.

  4. Select the saved search from the Order search menu.
  5. Download the report.

    The report includes only the orders that were made in the specified point of sales.