When editing or adding data to your online store by using a CSV import, in the heading row of the import file, you must use MyCashflow's CSV identifiers that connect the columns' contents with the correct fields in your online store.

Use the table below as reference material when working on CSV imports. The table lists the identifiers used for CSV imports.

CSV exports also contain other data that cannot be edited with imports. These can be found on the admin panel's Reports > CSV Export page.


The following identifiers are available for imports of the Customers type.

IdentifierDescriptionAllowed values

The unique, numeral ID used for identifying customers. Created automatically for each customer during registration.

Use this identifier when editing customer information. Do not use it, when adding new customers to your online store.


The customer number that you can, when necessary, define for the customer yourself.

The customer number is often used when the online store is integrated with an external system.

Text and numbers. Make sure that all customer numbers are unique.
CustomerLoginAllowedDefines whether the customer is allowed to log in to your online store's customer area.

0: the customer is not allowed to log in

1: the customer is allowed to log in


The customer's language. Defines, among others, the language in which your online store is displayed to the customer.

Displaying your online store in different languages is only possible if your online store several language versions.

Text. Use here only the supported languages.
CustomerVersionIDThe VersionID of the store version the customer was using during registration.An integer. Use here only the identifiers of the existing store versions.
CustomerEmailThe customer's emailEmail


Customer's first nameText
CustomerLastNameThe customer's surnameText
CustomerStreetAddressThe customer's street addressText and numbers
CustomerPostalCodeThe customer's postal codeNumbers
CustomerPostOfficeThe customer's post officeCity
CustomerCountryThe customer's countryA two-letter country code (e.g. us)
CustomerPhoneThe customer's phone numberPhone number
CustomerCompanyThe customer's companyCompany name
CustomerVatCodeThe customer's or customer's company's business IDBusiness ID
CustomerEdiCodeCustomer's e-invoice addressNumbers
CustomerOperatorCodeID of the customer's e-invoice intermediaryText and numbers
CustomerCommentsIn customer information, you can save comments that won't be displayed to the customer.Long text
CustomerGroupIDsThe CustomerGroupID identifiers of customer groups that the customer belongs to.ID numbers separated by vertical bars (e.g. 1|2|3)

Indicates whether the customer has subscribed to the newsletter (available only with the Email Marketing extension.

0: the customer hasn't subscribed to the newsletter

1: the customer has subscribed to the newsletter


Indicates whether the customer has subscribed to SMS marketing (available only with the SMS Marketing extension).

Note that without the customer consent sending marketing text messages to the customer is not possible.

If the setting's value is 0, the customer cannot be sent even text messages related to the customer's order.

0: the customer cannot be sent text message notifications or advertisements

1: the customer can be sent text messages

CustomerLastOrderThe date of the customer's last order.The date in the format 31.12.2018

Newsletter subscribers

The following identifiers are available for imports of the Newsletter subscribers type.

IdentifierDescriptionAllowed values

The unique, numeral ID used for identifying newsletter subscribers. Created automatically for all subscribers.

Use this identifier when editing newsletter subscriber information. Do not use it, when adding new subscribers to your online store.

EmailThe subscriber's emailEmail
CountryThe subscriber's countryA two-letter country code (e.g. us)
LanguageThe subscriber's languageA two-letter language code (e.g. us)

Removes the email in the import row from the subscriber list.

The Email field must be included in the row that should be removed.

VersionIDThe identifier of the version in which the newsletter was subscribed toIntegers

Text message campaigns subscribers

The following identifiers are available for imports of the SMS subscribers type.
IdentifierDescriptionAllowed values

The unique, numeral ID used for identifying newsletter subscribers.

Use this identifier when editing newsletter subscriber information. Do not use it, when adding new subscribers to your online store.

An integer. Use only the already existing SubscriberID identifiers
MobileThe subscriber's cell phone numberThe phone number indicated in the customer information
CountryThe subscriber's countryA two-letter country code (e.g. us)
LanguageThe subscriber's languageA two-letter language code (e.g. us)


The following identifiers are available for imports of the Products type.



Allowed values


The unique, numeral ID used for identifying products. Added automatically to each new product at the moment of creation.

Use this identifier when editing product details. Do not use it, when adding new products to your online store.

An integer. Use only the already existing product ID numbers.


The optional EAN code that can be created manually for a product.

Text and numbers. Make sure that all EAN codes you use are unique.


The optional product code that can be created manually for a product.

Often used if the online store is integrated with an external system.

Text and numbers. Make sure that all product codes you use are unique.

Basic product information and classification


The product's name in the language of the selected store version

Text and numbers

ProductVisibilityDefines whether the product is visible in the selected store version

0: the product is not visible in the selected store version

1: the product is visible in the selected store version


The product's description in the language of the selected store version

Long text + HTML/Textile markup


Product information in the language of the selected store version

Long text + HTML/Textile markup


Product images you'd like to attach to the product.

Note that the images must already exist in your online store's file directory's tuotekuvat folder.

The file names of product images separated by vertical bars (e.g. img1.jpg|img2.jpg)


Images from external URL addresses that you'd like to add to the product.

Product image URLs separated by vertical bars (e.g. https://example.com/img1.jpg|https://example.com/img2.jpg)


Product's key words

A list of keywords separated by commas or space characters


Product categories that the product belongs to.

If any of the indicated product categories doesn't exist, it will be created as hidden and listed as the last category on the list of the product's categories.

The product categories indicated in this field will overwrite all of the product's previous categories. To add new product categories to the product, use the ProductCategoryNamesAdd identifier.

To indicate the relevant product, use the ProductID identifier.

The paths of product categories separated by vertical bars (e.g. /Clothes/Trousers|/Clothes/Jeans)

ProductCategoryIDsIdentifiers of the product categories to which the product belongs or to which it is being added.

The product categories indicated in this field will overwrite all of the product's previous categories.

Product category identifiers separated by vertical bars (e.g. 2|3|8)


Adds a new product category to the product. If any of the indicated product categories doesn't exist, it will be created as hidden and listed as the last category on the list of the product's categories.

To indicate the relevant product, use the ProductID identifier.

The paths of product categories separated by vertical bars (e.g. /Clothes/Trousers|/Clothes/Jeans)
ProductCategoryNamesVisibleSimilar to ProductCategoryNamesAdd and ProductCategoryNames, but the new product categories are set to become immediately visible in the version to which the CSV file is imported.The paths of product categories separated by vertical bars (e.g. /Clothes/Trousers|/Clothes/Jeans)


The supplier's SupplierID identifier

An integer. Use only the existing supplier ID numbers.

ProductSupplierNameThe supplier's SupplierName identifier. When necessary, the identifier creates the missing suppliers.Text and numbers


The brand's BrandID identifier. This identifier is used for defining the product's brand.

An integer. In the field, you can use the ID numbers of the already existing brands.

ProductBrandNameThe brand's BrandName identifier. This identifier is used for defining the product's brand. When necessary, the identifier creates the missing brands.Text and numbers


The product's tax rate. The product's price without tax is calculated based on this and the ProductPrice column (or, alternatively, the price including tax based on the ProductPriceWithoutTax column).

Tax rate as a whole or decimal number (e.g. 25.5, it is recommended to use period as the separator). In this field, use only the tax rates that are enabled in your online store.


The product's price including tax. The price without tax is calculated based on this and the ProductTaxRate column.

Prices are always imported with two decimal places, so any decimal parts longer than that are rounded automatically.

A decimal or an integer


The product's price excluding tax. This is necessary only if the price including tax (ProductPrice) hasn't been specified. If both prices – including and excluding tax – have been specified, the one that comes later in the CSV remains valid.

To calculate the price including tax, the tax rate (ProductTaxRate) must be specified before the price excluding tax. If the tax rate is 0, you cannot specify the price excluding tax. Instead, specify the price including tax in the relevant column.

Prices are always imported with two decimal places, so any decimal parts longer than that are rounded automatically.

A decimal or an integer


The product's weight

A decimal or an integer


The package size used for shipping the product



The product's warranty period

An integer that indicates the product's warranty period in months


Defines whether the product should be featured

0: not featured

1: featured

ProductSimilarProductIDsDefines products similar to the product to be importedThe ProductID identifiers of the desired products separated by commas
ProductCompatibleProductIDsDefines the products that are compatible with the product in questionThe ProductID identifiers of the desired products separated by commas
ProductSparePartProductIDsSpecifies the product's spare part productsThe ProductID identifiers of the desired products separated by commas
ProductAddOnProductIDsSpecifies the product's accessory productsThe ProductID identifiers of the desired products separated by commas
WebDesigner-TemplateSpecifies the template to use for the product pageThe template's location in the theme directory, e.g. product/product-with-expanded-bundles

Specifies the age group for which the product is intended Required if the product belongs to Google's Apparel & Accessories product category or any of its subcategories.

This is used only when advertising products via the Shopping Ads extension.

newborn, infant, toddler, kids, adult

Specifies the gender for which the product is intended. Required if the product belongs to Google's Apparel & Accessories product category or any of its subcategories.

This is used only when advertising products via the Shopping Ads extension.

female, male, unisex

Google's product category's identifier.

This is used only when advertising products via the Shopping Ads extension.

An integer, see the list of all product categories in Google's documentation

Designates the product as adult-only content, which limits its visibility in Google Shopping ads.

This is used only when advertising products via the Shopping Ads extension.

0: No advertising restrictions

1: Advertising restrictions, e.g. based on the audience age

The product's stock details


Product's purchase price without tax (the sum paid for a single product when acquired to the stock)

Prices are always imported with two decimal places, so any decimal parts longer than that are rounded automatically.

A decimal or an integer


The supplier's product code.

ProductCountryOfOriginCountry of origin, i.e. the country where the product has been manufactured, assembled, or essentially finalized.A two-letter country code in lowercase (e.g. fi).

See the Finnish Customs' list of country codes (updated in 2023).

ProductCustomsTariffCodeTariff code, i.e. the CN code used in export declarations and intra-EU trade statistical declarations.Numbers.

You can find the up-to-date tariff nomenclature on the Finnish Customs website.


The beginning of the availability period (if the product's availability is limited).

A date in the format 31.12.2014.


The end of the availability period

A date in the format 31.12.2014.

ProductVisibleFromThe beginning of the visibility periodA date and time e.g. in the format 31.12.2014 09:00
ProductPurchasableFromThe beginning of the period during which the product can be purchasedA date and time e.g. in the format 31.12.2014 09:00
ProductOrderLimitMaximum order quantityIntegers
ProductOrderLimitMinMinimum order quantityIntegers


Enables and disables stock management. Stock details cannot be defined if ProductStock is disabled.

0: stock management isn't enabled.

1: stock management is enabled.


The product's location in the warehouse

Text and numbers


The product's current stock balance. Updates automatically when customers order the product.

Products' quantity

ProductStockBalanceChangeThe changes in the product's stock balance. Enter here the product quantity that should be added or substracted from the product's stock balance.Positive or negative integers (e.g. -5 if you'd like to decrease the stock by 5 pieces)


The quantity of reserved products

Products' quantity


Defines whether the product's sales should continue after the product has run out of stock

0: Sales suspended

1: Sales continue


The delivery time for products that have run out of stock

The time in days


The product quantity that activates the stock alarm (the notification that it is running low)

Products' quantity

Product categories

The following identifiers are available for imports of the Categories type.

IdentifierDescriptionAllowed values

The unique, numeral ID used for identifying product categories. Added automatically to each new product category at the moment of creation.

Use this identifier when editing the product category's details. Do not use it, when adding new product categories to your online store.

An integer. Use here only the CategoryID identifiers of the already existing product categories.

The product category's ID number in external system.

Used mostly by API integrations.

A code of up to 36 characters
CategoryParentIDThe CategoryID of the parent product category. Defines the product category's location in the menu.

An integer. Use here only the CategoryID identifiers of the already existing product categories.

When making a product category into a child of another product category, use either the CategoryParentID or the CategoryParentPath identifier, never both of them.

CategoryParentPathParent category path. The online store's root product category – which is the Front page – can be indicated with the slash character /.

Indicate the paths in the format /Product category's name/Another category's name/

When making a product category into a child of another product category, use either the CategoryParentID or the CategoryParentPath identifier, never both of them.

CategorySortThe product category's sorting number with which you can define product categories' order in your online store's menu.An integer. The product categories are sorted in ascending order according to the indicated numbers.
CategoryNameThe product category's name in the language of the selected store versionText and numbers
CategoryDescriptionThe product category's description in the language of the selected store versionLong text + HTML/Textile markup
CategoryTypeThe display type that defines the layout and contents of the product category page

product list: sets the product category page to display a list of the products included in the category.

front page: sets the product category page to display the category's most popular products as well as the products from the potential subcategories (in product category settings Display window).

CategoryImageThe category's campaign imageThe filename of the campaign image (e.g. img1.jpg)
CategoryLinkThe campaign link of the product category (the link attached to the campaign image)Target address of the link
CategoryVisibilityThe product category's visibility

0: the product category is not visible in the selected store version

1: the product category is visible in the selected store version


The following identifiers are available for imports of the Brands type.

IdentifierDescriptionAllowed values

The unique, numeral ID used for identifying brands. Auto-generated for each new brand at the moment of creation.

Use this identifier when editing brand details. Do not use it, when adding a new brand to your online store.

An integer. Use here only already existing brands' BrandID identifiers.
BrandNameThe brand's name in the language of the selected store versionText and numbers
BrandDescriptionThe brand's description in the language of the selected store versionLong text + HTML/Textile markup
BrandImageThe brand logoThe filename of the logo (e.g. img1.jpg)
BrandFeelImageThe brand's campaign imageThe filename of the campaign image (e.g. img1.jpg)
BrandLinkThe campaign link of the brand (the link attached to the campaign image)Target address of the link
BrandVisibilityBrand visibility

0: the brand is not visible in the selected store version

1: the brand is visible in the selected store version

Product variations

The following identifiers are available for imports of the Product variations type.

IdentifierDescriptionAllowed values

The unique, numeral ID used for identifying variations. Created automatically for every variation.

Use this identifier when editing variation details. Do not use it, when adding new variations to your online store.

An integer. Use only the already existing VariationID identifiers.
The main product's details
ProductIDThe ProductID identifier of the main product.An integer. Use only the already existing ProductID identifiers.
ProductCodeThe ProductCode identifier of the main productText and numbers. Use only the already existing product codes.
ProductSupplierCodeThe product code of the main product's supplier.Text and numbers. Make sure that the product code you indicate corresponds to the product code of the main product's supplier.
Variation details
VariationCodeThe variation's product codeText and numbers
VariationSortThe variation's sorting number. Indicates the variation's location on the variation list in the product card. Variations are sorted in ascending order according to the indicated sorting numbers.Integers
VariationNameThe product variation's name in the language of the selected store versionText and numbers. You can assign desired properties to the variation by typing them in a format that can be processed by the variation splitter.
VariationWeightThe variation's weight (for the sake of shipping)The weight as an integer or a decimal

The variation's price including tax. The price will be automatically decreased by the tax rate indicated for the main product.

Prices are always imported with two decimal places, so any decimal parts longer than that are rounded automatically.

The price as an integer or a decimal

0: Deletes the variation's own price

The variation's stock details
VariationEANThe variation's barcode.Text and numbers
VariationCountryOfOriginCountry of origin, i.e. the country where the product has been manufactured, assembled, or essentially finalized.A two-letter country code in lowercase (e.g. fi).

See the Finnish Customs' list of country codes (updated in 2023).

VariationCustomsTariffCodeTariff code, i.e. the CN code used in export declarations and intra-EU trade statistical declarations.Numbers.

You can find the up-to-date tariff nomenclature on the Finnish Customs website.

VariationStockDefines whether stock management has been enabled for the variation. If VariationStock hasn't been enabled, you won't be able to define other stock details for the variation.

0: stock management is not enabled for the variation

1: stock management is enabled for the variation

VariationStockBalanceThe variation's stock balance i.e. the quantity of the products available in the warehouseIntegers
VariationStockBalanceChangeThe changes in the variation's stock balance. Enter here the product quantity that should be added or substracted from the product's stock balance.Positive or negative integers (e.g. -5 if you'd like to decrease the stock by 5 pieces)

The variation's tax free purchase price, i.e. the variation's price at the moment of acquiring it to stock

Prices are always imported with two decimal places, so any decimal parts longer than that are rounded automatically.

An integer or a decimal

0: Deletes the variation's purchase price

VariationStockContinueSellingDefines whether the variation's sales should continue if it is out of stock

0: the sales don't continue

1: the sales continue

VariationStockDeliveryPeriodThe variation's delivery time when the product is out of stock.The time in days
VariationStockReservedThe quantity of reserved product variationsIntegers
VariationStockAlarmLevelThe product quantity that activates the stock alarm.Integers
Variation image details
VariationImageThe image attached to the variation, displayed along with the variation.The name of an image file (e.g. img1.jpg) located in the online store's file directory's /tuotekuvat folder.
VariationImageWithCaptionThe image attached to the variation and its caption displayed on the product page.The name of an image file located in the online store's file directory's /tuotekuvat folder and the image's caption (e.g. img1.jpg:Caption).
VariationAddImageFromURLThe image attached to the variation from an external URL address.The URL address of the image to be attached.

Product attributes

The following identifiers are available for imports of the Product attributes type.

Imports handle product attributes that are added to products and variations to become product features. These, in turn, are used to form product filters in the store's customer area.

See also an example of how to process product attributes by using CSV.

IdentifierDescriptionAllowed values
AttributeCodeA unique product attribute identifierLowercase letters (a–z, except letters with diacritics, such as åäö), digits (0–9) and underscores (_).

The name of a product filter in the customer area

The language code for each translation is added to the end of the identifier.

E.g. AttributeLabel-fi

Attribute values
AttributeValueCodeA unique identifier of a product attribute's valueLowercase letters (a–z, except letters with diacritics, such as åäö), digits (0–9) and underscores (_).
AttributeValueSortThe value's ordinal number in the product filter menu.Integers

The name of a product filter's value in the store's customer area

The language code for each translation is added to the end of the identifier.

E.g. AttributeLabel-fi


Product features

The following identifiers are available for imports of the Product features type.

Imports handle products' and variations' product features.

See also an example of how to process product features with products and attributes.

IdentifierDescriptionAllowed values
ProductIDA unique, auto-generated product identifier. Used for identifying products.Integers (use only the identifiers of products that already exist)
ProductCodeA product code defined on the product form. Used for identifying products.Text (use only product codes of products that already exist)
ProductFeature-IDENTIFIERThe product attribute identifier that you specify when you create a product attribute.

Replace the rest of this CSV identifier with the attribute identifier. E.g. ProductFeature-_color

Lowercase letters (except letters with diacritics, such as åäö), digits and underscores
VariationIDA unique, auto-generated variation identifier. Used for identifying variations.Integers (use only the identifiers of variations that already exist)
VariationCodeA product code defined on the variation form. Used for identifying variationsText (use only the product codes of variations that already exist)
ProductFeature-IDENTIFIERThe product attribute identifier that you specify when you create a product attribute.

Replace the rest of this CSV identifier with the attribute identifier. E.g. ProductFeature-_color

Lowercase letters (no åäö), numbers and underscores

Product documents

The following identifiers are available for imports of the Product documents type.

IdentifierDescriptionAllowed values
ProductDocumentIDThe identifier of a link between a product and a document (e.g. The document X belongs to the product Y = 25)Integers
ProductDocumentSortThe product document's ordinal numberIntegers
ProductIDThe product's identifier. Used to identify the product whose product documents are being processedIntegers
DocumentIDProduct document IDIntegers

The name of the product document file (e.g. manual.pdf).

Don't include the entire path in the file name.

Product documents must be placed in the file directory's documents/ folder

DocumentTitleThe product document title, which is displayed as a download link for the document on the product page.Text

This removes a product document from a product (unlinks the product document from the product but doesn't delete the document file).

See detailed instructions on how to delete documents.


Gift cards

The following identifiers are available for imports of the Gift cards type.

IdentifierDescriptionAllowed values
CodeA unique code for the gift card.Letters, digits, underscores, dashes; 8–25 characters altogether
BalanceThe sum in euros available on the gift card for the customer to use.An integer or a decimal (use a comma or a point as the decimal separator)
NotesOptional details regarding the gift card that will not be visible for the customer.Letters, numbers and special characters
ExpiresAtThe expiration date for the gift cardDate format yyyy-mm-dd

Campaign codes

The following identifiers are available for imports of the Campaign codes type.

Campaign codes created with a CSV import cannot be edited or deleted.

IdentifierDescriptionAllowed values

The campaign code's numeral identifier created automatically for all campaign codes. Used for identifying the campaign code.

An integer (use only the CampaignCodeID identifiers of the already existing campaign codes)

The campaign's numeral identifier created automatically for all campaigns. Used for identifying the campaign.

An integer (use only the CampaignID identifiers of the already existing campaigns)

A unique campaign code that customers enter at checkout

Letters, numbers and special characters

Campaign products

The following identifiers are available for imports of the Campaign products type.

IdentifierDescriptionAllowed values

The product's identifier in the campaign. The identifier is not the same thing as ProductID.

Use this identifier when editing the product's details in the campaign. Do not use it, when adding new products to the campaign.


The product's unique, numeral identifier created automatically for all products.

Use this identifier when adding products to a campaign.

An integer. Use only the ProductID identifiers of already existing products.

The product's product code that is defined on the product form.

Use this identifier when adding products to a campaign.

Text and numbers

The campaign's numeral identifier created automatically for all campaigns.

You can target changes at campaign products by providing the CampaignID and ProductID in the same row. In this way, you can edit a product's details in multiple campaigns within the same import.

An integer. In this field, use only the CampaignID identifiers of the already exisiting campaigns.
CampaignProductQuantityThe product quantity that entitles to discount if the campaign includes quantity-based discounts.Integers

The product's discounted price in a campaign.

Prices are always imported with two decimal places, so any decimal parts longer than that are rounded automatically.

An integer or a decimal
CampaignProductOrderLimitThe product's order limit in a campaignIntegers
RemoveRemoves the product from the campaign.CONFIRM

Discount coupons

The following identifiers are available for imports of the Discount codes type.

IdentifierDescriptionAllowed values

The discount coupon's unique, numeral identifier. Created automatically for all discount coupons.

Use this identifier when editing a discount coupon's details. Do not use it, when adding new discount coupons to your online store.

An integer. Use only the DiscountCodeID identifiers of the already existing discount coupons.
DiscountCodeThe discount code that the customer must indicate at checkout in order to activate discount.Text and numbers
DiscountCodeTypeThe discount coupon's type. Defines the way in which customers can use the defined discount.

DISCOUNT: discount coupon. A single-use coupon applied to pay for one order.

GIFTCARD: a gift card. Can be used as long as there's balance on the card.

CAMPAIGN: the customers can profit from the campaign discounts as long as they are active.


The ID number of the saved search. The products to which the discount can be applied are selected based on the saved search.

DiscountCodeIsActiveDefines whether the discount coupon is active

0: the discount coupon isn't active

0: the discount coupon is active

DiscountCodeValidFromDateThe start date of the coupon's validity period.The date in the format 31.12.2019
DiscountCodeValidToDateThe end date of the coupon's validity period.The date in the format 31.12.2019

The type of discount (required)

The DiscountCodeDiscountFrom column specifies the subject of the discount.

EURO: the discount is a fixed sum.

PERCENT: the discount is a percentage.

DiscountCodeAmountThe amount of the coupon's discount. DiscountCodeAmountType defines whether the amount you indicate will be interpreted as a fixed sum or percentage.An integer or a decimal
DiscountCodeDiscountFromThe discount's object: the object to which the discount is applied.

PRODUCTS: the discount is applied to order products.

ORDER: the discount is applied to the order total.

SHIPPING_COSTS: the discount is applied to the order's shipping costs.

DiscountCodeMinimumOrderThe order's minimum sum that entitles to the discountAn integer or a decimal
DiscountCodeCommentsYour own comment to the discount coupon. Not displayed to the customers at any pointLong text

Search engine optimization fields

You can use these CSV fields with the following types of contents:

  • Products
  • Product categories
  • Brands
  • Campaigns
  • News
  • Content pages
IdentifierDescriptionAllowed values
SEO-TitleThe contents of the Title tagText
SEO-PageTitleThe page titleText
SEO-MetaDescriptionThe meta descriptionText
SEO-TemplateThe optional template file

The template file's name without the file extension, indicated in relation to the theme's root directory

E.g. product/template-file


The following identifiers are available for imports of the Redirects type.

The identifiers can only be used if the Redirects extension is enabled in your online store.

IdentifierDescriptionAllowed values
RedirectIdThe ID of a saved redirect. Leave it empty when creating new redirects.Integers
RedirectPathA source link from which traffic should be redirected to another link.A store-internal, relative (e.g. /page/5) or an absolute link, where you can also use wildcards (e.g. https://www.address.com/*).
RedirectTargetA redirect's target link.A store-internal, relative (e.g. /category/5), or absolute link (e.g. https://www.example.com).