CSV is a file format whose name is an abbreviation for comma-separated values. CSV files are regular text files, in which you can store tabular data by separating the data with a defined field separator.

The easiest way of processing CSV files is by using regular spreadsheet software (e.g. LibreOffice).

CSV is often used when transferring data between different systems. For instance, data from other ecommerce platforms can often be imported to MyCashflow by using CSV files.

The structure of CSV files

CSV files contain regular text that must be formatted in a pre-defined way, so that the files can be imported to MyCashflow.

  • Single cells must be separated from each other with a field separator: either a comma (,) or semicolon (;).
  • If a cell contains a character used as the field separator, the cell's contents must be enclosed in quotation marks (").
  • The top row of the CSV file can only contain MyCashflow CSV identifiers (e.g. ProductName).

Spreadsheet software automatically adds field separators and quotation marks to a CSV file during saving. Inside cells, there is no need to add field separators and quotation marks.

The sample below presents a correctly-formatted CSV file that is compatible with MyCashflow.

ProductName;   ProductPrice;   ProductDescription;
Bicycle;              450.0;              "Bicycle; every cool kid's ride";
CD;                    10.0;                 You can burn music to the CD.;