This page discusses how to add, edit and remove the online store's customer accounts and how to manage their settings.

Adding and editing customer accounts

Usually, a new customer creates an account for themselves by registering in the online store, but if necessary, you can create an account through the admin panel. You can also edit the customer's account information in the admin panel.

Opening a customer account through the admin panel

Here's how to open an account for a new customer in the online store:

  1. In the admin panel, go to Customers.
  2. Press the Add customer button at the start of the page.

    The customer information form opens.

  3. Define the details for the customer account.

    If you want the customer account to be accessible immediately, select the option Username is valid and customer has a right to login on the customer information form. You can activate the account later as well by selecting this setting.

    See the description for the customer information form settings.

  4. Press the Save at the end of the customer information form.

If you set the customer account to be accessible immediately, the customer will receive an email prompting them to complete their new account. Through a link in the email, the customer can check their information and set a password for themselves, after which they can log in to the online store.

Editing customer account information

To edit an already existing customer account:

  1. Find and open the customer account information from the list on the admin panel's Customers page.
  2. In the upper right corner of the customer account view, click Edit.

    The customer information form opens.

  3. Make the necessary changes to the customer information.
  4. Press the Save at the end of the customer information form.

Customer account settings

With the customer information form, you can manage the following customer account settings:

  • Username is valid and customer has a right to login: enables the customer to log in to the online store's customer area. Without this option, the customer account is frozen.

    When you select this option and save the form, an email will be sent to the customer, through which they can check their customer information and set a password for themselves. The customer can also set or change their password using the Forgot your password? function on the online store's login page.

    You cannot set or change the customer's password through the admin panel.

  • Email: Customer's email address (mandatory information).

    By selecting the option Newsletter subscription, you add the customer to the newsletter subscribers.

    Under law, newsletters may only be sent to customers who have given their consent.

    Customers might, for example, subscribe to the newsletter at the checkout or by using a separate form.

    When creating a customer account in the admin panel, make sure that the customer has agreed in writing to receive the newsletter.

  • Version: Specifies the default version for the customer.

    The default version is used for various tasks such as, for example, to determine campaign discounts when creating an order for the customer directly in the admin panel. In this case, the order is affected by the campaigns available in the customer's version.

    The setting has no impact on your online store's customer area.

  • Language: defines the default language in which your online store is displayed to the logged-in customer.
  • Currency: If the Currency Converter extension is enabled, the setting defines the default currency in which prices are displayed to the logged-in customer.
  • Customer number: Usually, you will need the customer number only if you've integrated your online store with an external software that uses the customer number.
  • Customer groups: add the customer to any of your online store's customer groups.
  • Own comments: add comments to customer information for internal use. Comments are not visible to the customer anywhere.

Billing address

If the customer is logged in, the billing address will automatically be filled in at the checkout. Name and address are mandatory information.

With the SMS subscriber selection, you can add the customer to the text message marketing subscribers.

The system checks the customer's Business ID from the EU's VIES database, so make sure you enter it in the correct format. For example, Finnish business IDs are in the form 2131570-6.

In the E-Invoice section, you can enter the customer's e-billing details. To utilize these details, you must have the E-invoice payment service enabled in your online store.

MyCashflow does not forward e-invoices.

However, you can use an external service to deliver e-invoices to your customers based on the information saved in their accounts.

Currently, customers can use e-invoices only if they are logged-in.

Deleting customer accounts

Customer accounts can be deleted via the admin panel. In this case, the customer's order history will be emptied and they will no longer be able to log in to the store. Orders created by the customer do not, however, disappear from the store.

Deletion removes all customer information instantly.

The customer information will be available as a backup copy for some time, but its restoration is subject to charges. For more information, contact our customer service.

  1. Find and open the customer account information from the list on the admin panel's Customers page.
  2. In the upper right corner of the customer account view, click Edit.

    The customer information form opens.

  3. Press the Delete button in the upper right corner of the customer information form.

    A dialog box asks to confirm the deletion of the customer account.

  4. Press the OK button in the dialog box.