In your online store, you can offer separate payment and shipping methods for resellers which won't be available to consumers.

To make payment and shipping methods available only to resellers:

  1. If there is a separate version for resellers in your online store, you can set a payment or shipping method to be visible only in the reseller version.

    You may want to do so if you don't want the payment or shipping method to be visible even to resellers outside of the reseller version. Otherwise, select all desired versions.

  2. In the payment or shipping method settings, select the option Require login, and select all relevant reseller customer groups.

Your online store now has a payment or shipping method that appears at checkout only if the customer is logged in and belongs to one of the selected customer groups. If you set the payment or shipping method as visible only in the reseller version, it won't be visible at checkout in other versions.

If you use a payment service, you should know that the credentials of many payment services can be used in multiple payment methods.