The type of email that can be sent to the customer when order shipping is delayed.


Note: the MyCashflow theme system has undergone a major renewal of email templates.

As a result, the theme's email templates are now treated separately as an email theme, and a separate theme folder is created for them in the file directory.

Find out more about the renewal and see also the email theme instructions.

The message can be sent, for example, when the item is not in stock in the promised time or the delivery is delayed for another reason.

Usually, such messages use a simpler message template than the general order message template and the main content in the message is the text itself printed with the {OrderEmailMessage} tag.

Template properties

Template location
Template URL
Email notifications do not have a URL address

You can also add the template to the folder /themes/EMAIL/order/shipping so that the message is also sent to the email specified in the shipping address.

Default theme implementation

layout: plain
