Error and success notifications generated by MyCashflow online stores.
Notifications are printed in the theme by using the {Notifications}
Notification groups
Category ID | Description |
Account | Notifications related to a customer account |
Cart | Notifications related to the shopping cart, e.g. a notification about a product having been added to the shopping cart |
Shipping | Notifications related to selecting a shipping method |
Payment | Notifications related to selecting a payment method |
Checkout | Notifications displayed at checkout, such as errors caused by erroneous input |
Coupon | Notifications related to using discount coupons, e.g. a notification about an invalid coupon code |
Search | Notifications related to the online store search. |
Individual notifications
The table below lists all possible notifications, a description of their content and context, and the dictionary code with which the content printed by the notification can be found in the dictionary tool.
Often, it's easier to print notifications on a page by groups, because there is a large number of individual notifications.
Notification ID and category | Status | Dictionary code |
UnexpectedError (all) | An unexpected error that does not fall into any of the known error categories. | UnexpectedError |
LoginRequired (Account) | The customer is trying to access a page or perform an action that requires logging in to the online store. | LoginRequired |
LoginExpired (Account) | The customer is trying to access an online store page that requires logging in, but the customer's session has expired. | LoginExpired |
AccountUnauthorized (Account) | The customer is trying to access a page that the customer doesn't have the right to view, even when logged-in. | AccountUnauthorized |
AccountApplicationPending (Account) | The customer is registered in the online store, but the customer's account must be approved by the administrator. | AccountApplicationPending |
LoginSuccessful (Account) | The customer successfully logs in to the online store. | LoginSuccessful |
LoginFailed (Account) | The customer's login to the online store fails. | ErrorLoginFailed |
LogoutSuccessful (Account) | The customer logs out of the online store. | LogoutSuccessful |
CustomerInformationUpdated (Account) | The customer has updated own details in the online store's customer register. | EditContactInfoSuccess |
CustomerAddressDeleted (Account) | The customer has deleted a shipping address from the customer account. | CustomerAddressDeleted |
PasswordChanged (Account) | Displayed when changing the password. | PasswordHasBeenChanged |
PasswordInvalid (Account) | Displayed when changing the password if the customer enters the password in a wrong format. | ErrorPasswordIsWrong |
PasswordMismatch (Account) | Displayed when changing the password if the new password entered in the confirmation field doesn't match the first input field. | ErrorPasswordsDoesntMatch |
ResetPasswordEmailSent (Account) | A password reset link has been successfully sent to the customer. | ForgotPasswordEmailSent |
ResetPasswordSuccess (Account) | Password has been successfully reset. | ResetPasswordSuccess |
ResetPasswordFailed (Account) | Password reset has failed for some reason. | ResetPasswordFailed |
EmailSubscribed (Account) | The customer joins the mailing list. | NewsletterSubscribed |
EmailSubscribeFailed (Account) | Adding the customer to the mailing list has failed. | NewsletterSubscribeFailed |
EmailUnsubscribed (Account) | The customer unsubscribes from the email list. | NewsletterUnsubscribed |
EmailUnsubscribeFailed (Account) | Unsubscribing from the mailing list fails. | NewsletterUnsubscribeFailed |
SmsSubscribed (Account) | The customer subscribed to text messages. | SmsSubscribed |
SmsSubscribeFailed (Account) | Subscribing to text messages fails. | SmsSubscribeFailed |
SmsUnsubscribed (Account) | The customer successfully unsubscribes from text messages | SmsUnsubscribed |
SmsUnsubscribeFailed (Account) | Unsubscribing from text messages fails. | SmsUnsubscribeFailed |
CartEmpty (Cart) | There are no products in the shopping cart. | ShoppingCartIsEmpty |
CartUpdated (Cart) | The shopping cart's contents are updated (products are added or removed). | ShoppingCartUpdated |
CartProductAdded (Cart) | A product has been successfully added to the shopping cart. | ShoppingCartAddSuccess |
CartProductFailed (Cart) | Adding a product to the shopping cart has failed (due to incomplete information. e.g. no variation is selected). | ShoppingCartAddFailed |
CartProductFailedQuantity (Cart) | Changing the order quantity of one of the shopping cart products has failed. | ShoppingCartAddFailedQuantity |
CartProductRemoved (Cart) | A product is removed from the shopping cart. | ShoppingCartRemoved |
CartThresholdError (Cart) | Displayed in the shopping cart whenever the minimum order limit is not reached and proceeding to checkout is not possible. | MinimumOrderLimitNotification |
CartProductOutOfStock (Cart) | Displayed for shopping cart products that are out of stock. | CartProductOutOfStock |
CartProductDeliveryTime (Cart) | Backorder (product not available) and the delivery time has been set. | CartProductDeliveryTime |
CartProductDeliveryExtended (Cart) | Backorder and no delivery time has been set. | CartProductDeliveryExtended |
CartProductDiscontinued (Cart) | The product's availability period has ended. | CartProductDiscontinued |
CouponCodeError (Cart, Checkout) | The provided coupon code is incorrect or has already been used. | CheckoutErrorCouponCode |
CouponThresholdError (Cart) | The minimum order limit won't be reached after providing the coupon code. | MinimumCouponLimitNotification |
ShippingGeneralError (Shipping) | Selecting a shipping method fails for some reason. | CheckoutErrorShippingMethod |
PaymentGeneralError (Payment) | Selecting a payment method fails for some reason. | CheckoutErrorPaymentMethod |
PaymentVerificationError (Payment) | The customer returns from the payment service after aborting payment with the selected the payment service. | CheckoutPaymentConfirmationFailed |
CustomerBillingAddressError (Checkout) | There is an error in the customer information address. | CheckoutErrorCustomerInformation |
CustomerShippingAddressError (Checkout) | There is an error in the shipping address. | CheckoutErrorCustomerInformation |
TermsError (Checkout) | The customer tries to confirm the order without accepting the shipping conditions. | CheckoutYouHaveToAgreeTerms |
CampaignCodeActivated (Coupon) | The campaign code entered by the customer has been activated. | CampaignCodeActivated |
CouponCodeActivated (Coupon) | The coupon code entered by the customer has been activated. | CouponCodeActivated |
SearchNoResults (Search) | Displayed when the search results list is empty. | SearchNoResults |
SearchFallbackNotification (Search) | Displayed when there is a problem with the search engine included in paid stores, and the simplified search is enabled instead. | SearchFallbackNotification |