Prints a list of random products belonging to the product category.


By default, the following information is printed about every product:

This tag is an alias of the {Products} tag. You can print the same content by using the {Products} tag with the right attributes.


    subcategories: boolean,
    brand: int,
    campaign: int,
    id: int,
    keyword: string,
    timelimit: string,
    similar_to: int / string,
    compatible_to: int / string,
    crosssales_for: int / string,
        fallback: boolean,
    limit: int,
    sort: string,
    pagination: boolean,
    type: string,
        list_type: string,
        list_classes: string,
    classes: string,
    helper: string


Toimii näkyvyydessä: tuoteryhmä

Näkyvyyshelper-attribuutissa: tuote

The required scope is always set in the following templates:

Product list
Display window
Front page



Defines whether products should be retrieved also from subcategories of the product category in question.

Allowed values:true/false. The default value is true.


Defines the brands whose products should be retrieved.

Allowed values: brand ID numbers separated by pipes. To retrieve products from all brands, use the value 'ALL'.

E.g. brand:'2|34|5'


Defines the campaigns whose products should be retrieved.

Allowed values: campaign ID numbers separated by pipe characters. To retrieve products from all campaigns, use the value 'ALL'.

E.g. campaign:'2|34|5'


Defines the products that should be included on the list based on their ID numbers.

Allowed values: pipe-separated product ID numbers


Search terms that define which products should be displayed on the list.

To learn more about how the search works, see our user guide.

Allowed values: space-separated search terms.

E.g. keyword:'paidat housut Jamppa'


Sets the time span from which products are retrieved on the list.

Allowed values:

  • Days: '-n days'
  • Weeks: '-n weeks'
  • Months: '-n months'

E.g. timelimit:'-3 months'

You can switch off the time limit altogether by setting the value to 0.


Defines the products for which products marked as similar should be printed on a list.

Sallitut arvot: pipe-separated product ID numbers or any of the default filters:
  • 'cart': selects cross-sell products based on the products in the shopping cart
  • 'last_viewed': selects cross-sell products based on the products recently viewed by the customer
  • 'last_bought': selects cross-sell products based on the products recently purchased by the customer (the customer must be logged in)

If ready filters do not produce any results, the attribute will try to retrieve cross-sell products based on the products belonging to the scope. To prevent it from happening, use the fallback:false attribute.

E.g. similar_to: '1|14|24' or similar_to: 'cart'


Defines the products for which compatible products should be retrieved and displayed on a list.

Sallitut arvot: pipe-separated product ID numbers or any of the default filters:
  • 'cart': selects cross-sell products based on the products in the shopping cart
  • 'last_viewed': selects cross-sell products based on the products recently viewed by the customer
  • 'last_bought': selects cross-sell products based on the products recently purchased by the customer (the customer must be logged in)

If ready filters do not produce any results, the attribute will try to retrieve cross-sell products based on the products belonging to the scope. To prevent it from happening, use the fallback:false attribute.

E.g. compatible_to: '1|34|2' or compatible_to: 'cart'


Defines the products for which products that were sold together should be retrieved and displayed on the list.

Sallitut arvot: pipe-separated product ID numbers or any of the default filters:
  • 'cart': selects cross-sell products based on the products in the shopping cart
  • 'last_viewed': selects cross-sell products based on the products recently viewed by the customer
  • 'last_bought': selects cross-sell products based on the products recently purchased by the customer (the customer must be logged in)

If ready filters do not produce any results, the attribute will try to retrieve cross-sell products based on the products belonging to the scope. To prevent it from happening, use the fallback:false attribute.

E.g. crosssales_for: '1|2|3' or crosssales_for: 'last_viewed'


Prevents the cross-sell attributes' default values from being used.

See also detailed instructions on using cross-sell attributes.

The attribute is enabled only if the similar_to, compatible_to or crosssales_for attribute has a value assigned.

Allowed values:true/false. The default value is true.


Sets the maximum length limit to the list to be printed.

The limiting settings for the pagination tools are determined based on the values of the limit attribute as well.

Allowed values: list of integers separated by pipe characters.

The first value on the list is used as default in the limit menu printed by the {PaginationLimit} tag.

E.g. limit:'1|5|10'


Limits the length of the list to be printed. The list's pagination and sorting are defined in the sort attribute.

This attribute is mainly used to pick, for example, 10 most relevant products from cross-sell and search result lists, and randomly display a limited number of them.

Allowed values:integers.

sort :

Defines how a list should be sorted. The attributes values define also which values should appear on the pagination menu.

Allowed values:

  • 'search': the order manually defined in the admin panel
  • 'last_sold': recently sold products first
  • 'name_asc': in alphabetical order based on names (A-Z)
  • 'name_desc': in reverse alphabetical order based on names (Z-A)
  • 'price_asc': lowest price first
  • 'price_desc': highest price first
  • 'released_asc': date added (oldest first)
  • 'released_desc': date added (newest first)
  • 'random': random order
  • 'sales_asc': least sold first
  • 'sales_desc': bestsellers first

If you'd like to use multiple sorting criteria, separate the values with pipes.

E.g. sort:'name_asc|name_desc|released_asc'


Defines whether pagination tools should be displayed.

Allowed values:true/false. The default value is false.


Defines the markup type of the list to be printed.

Allowed values:

  • 'normal': Every list element is a separate div element. The list doesn't have nested elements.
  • 'list': The list is printed as an HTML list. To define the type of the list, use the list_type attribute.
  • 'ids': The list doesn't contain any markup, and the tag returns only products' ID numbers as strings separated by pipes.

Defines the markup type of a product list.

The attribute is enabled only if the type attribute's value is 'list'.

Allowed values:'ul' or 'ol'.


Class names given to any list element that contains a list (<ul> or <ol>, depending on the value of the list_type attribute).

The attribute is enabled only if the type attribute's value is 'list'.

Allowed values:space-separated class names as strings.

E.g. list_classes:'ekaLuokka tokaLuokka'


Class names that are given to every list element.

Allowed values: class names as strings.

Use space characters to separate the classes that are to be given to the same element. Use pipes to separate the classes that are to be given to different list elements.

E.g. classes:'ekaLuokka tokaLuokka | jokaToisenLuokka jokaToisenTokaLuokka'

See also detailed instructions on how to define list class names.


Defines the content and output format of a single list element.

Allowed values: the Interface and HTML markup that define the output's markup and content.

The helper attribute can be used in two ways:

  • you can indicate the desired markup directly as the attribute's value, or
  • you can indicate a reference to a file with the desired markup as the attribute's value.

    The reference should be indicated in relation to the theme's root directory.

See also detailed instructions on using the helper attribute.


By using the after and before attributes you can define content that is output either after or before the tag's output.

Allowed values:HTML and Interface markup.


  • before: '<p>Tämä merkkaus näkyy ennen tagin omaa sisältöä.</p>'
  • after: '<p>Tämä taas näkyy tagin oman sisällön jälkeen.</p>'

If the tag does not produce any content, neither the content of the after and before attributes will be output.


Adds an escape character before quotation marks in the output.

The attribute makes it easier to process the tag-produced content when using JavaScript.

Allowed values:true/false. The default value is false.


Defines alternative content that is displayed if the tag itself does not produce any content.

Allowed values:HTML and Interface markup.

E.g. or:'Sisältöä ei löytynyt.'