Global tags can be used in any scope of a MyCashflow theme.Tags required in a themeWhen creating a new theme, make sure you include the required tags where relevant. You will find more detailed instructions on the tags' documentation pages.Designer toolsDesigner tags have been developed to make theme dabblers' lives simpler and more enjoyable. Adding designer tags to a theme makes further development easier and improves theme performance.Basic page informationTags that print shared, basic information on all pages.Page metadataTags that print shared metadata on all pages. See also basic page information.Language and localeTags that print, for instance, language, currency and date information.RSS feedsAll MyCashflow online stores include automatically generated RSS feeds. You can use these tags to print RSS feed data in your theme.Store and language version detailsTags that print details of the online store and the current version.Store contact informationTags that print online store contact information.Customer account Interface tagsTags that print customer account information (when the customer is logged in) as well as components related to customer accounts.Pääaihe: Tags