Tags that print brand details and brand product lists.The tags can be used in the brand template, for example.{Brands}Prints a list of the online store's brands.{BrandsNavigation} (deprecated){BrandDescription}Prints the brand description.{BrandImage}Prints the brand's campaign image.{BrandImageUrl}Prints the URL address of the brand's campaign image.{BrandLink}Prints the URL address of the brand's campaign link.{BrandLogo}Prints the brand's logo and, when necessary, a link to the brand page.{BrandLogoUrl}Prints the URL address for the brand's logo.{BrandName}Prints the brand name.{BrandUrl}Prints the URL address of the brand page.{BrandID}Prints the brand's individual ID number.{BrandProducts}Prints a list of the brand's products.{BrandDiscountProducts}Prints a list of the brand's discount products.{BrandTopSellers}Prints a list of the brand's best-selling products.{BrandHotPicks}Prints a list of the brand's featured products.{BrandNewProducts}Prints a list of the brand's latest products.{BrandPreorderProducts}Prints a list of the brand's pre-order products.{BrandRandomProducts}Prints a list of random products belonging to the brand.Pääaihe: Tags