Tags that print checkout forms and other checkout sections.{CheckoutNavigation}Prints checkout navigation for navigating between pages of a multiple-page-checkout.{CheckoutBillingAddress}Prints the form for entering customer information or the already entered customer information.{CheckoutShippingAddress}Prints the form for entering a shipping address or the already entered shipping address.{CheckoutShippingMethods}Prints a list for shipping method selection at checkout.{CheckoutPaymentMethods}Prints a list for selecting a payment method at checkout.{CurrencyNotification}Prints a notification with order total in euros if the customer has selected a currency other than euro.{CheckoutAcceptTerms}Prints the option to accept terms and conditions, a comment field as well as a button for confirming the order.{CheckoutRegistrationForm}Prints a registration form with which a customer can create a user account in an online store.{CheckoutPaymentMethodProcess}Prints payment buttons or buttons for proceeding to external payment services.{KlarnaCheckoutShippingInformation}Prints a simplified form for shipping method selection that is used at the checkout provided by Klarna Checkout.{KlarnaCheckout} (deprecated)Prints the Klarna Checkout payment frame.{KlarnaTooltip} (deprecated)Prints the Klarna tooltip banner with basic information about Klarna and the payment methods available in the online store if Klarna has been activated.{KlarnaPaymentMethodWidget} (deprecated)Prints the Klarna banner that presents the payment methods that are available for a product via Klarna.{MarketingPermissions}Prints a checkbox that the customer can check to agree to receive marketing emails.Pääaihe: Tags