Prints the unique checksum of a Klarna due payment.


Klarna Checkout was updated to the new v3 version in all MyCashflow online stores on 15 December 2020

This tag doesn't work in the new version of Klarna Checkout.

Learn more about the update and the changes it brings.

This tag has to be placed in the link of the theme Klarna confirmation page, which directs to the Klarna order confirmation page.

The Klarna order confirmation page won't work at all if this tag is not used.

The tag is used as a part of the link with which the customer is redirected to the Klarna order confirmation page. Below you can see a sample implementation of such a link:

<a class="Button" href="/checkout/thanks/{TransactionHash}">




Required scope: globaali



By using the after and before attributes you can define content that is output either after or before the tag's output.

Allowed values:The HTML and Interface markup


  • before: '<p>Tämä merkkaus näkyy ennen tagin omaa sisältöä.</p>'
  • after: '<p>Tämä taas näkyy tagin oman sisällön jälkeen.</p>'

If the tag does not produce any content, neither the content of the after and before attributes will be output.


Adds an escape character before quotation marks in the output.

The attribute makes it easier to process the tag-produced content when using JavaScript.

Allowed values:true/false. The default value is false.


Defines alternative content that is displayed if the tag itself does not produce any content.

Allowed values:The HTML and Interface markup

E.g. or:'Sisältöä ei löytynyt.'