Tags that print information about the product categories, brands and campaigns that the product belongs to.{ProductBrand}Prints the image or name of the product's brand with the link to the brand page.{ProductBrandName}Prints the name of the product's brand.{ProductBrandLink}Prints the brand's URL address.{ProductCategories}Prints a list of the product's product categories.{ProductCategoryLink}Prints a link to the first product category in the product's category hierarchy.{ProductCategoryName}Prints the name of the first product category in the product's category hierarchy.{ProductCategoryURL}Prints the URL address for the product category in the product's category hierarchy.{ProductClass}Prints the product's class names as a space-separated list.{ProductCategoryID}Prints the ID number of the first product category in the product's category hierarchy.{MainCategoryID}Prints the ID of the product's top product category.{ProductCampaign}Can be used for printing information about the campaign that determines the product's selling price.Pääaihe: Products