A template in which the customers can provide a separate delivery address.


This template is used for the stage 2b of the multi-page checkout.

The template must always contain a <form> element sent via a POST request to the /checkout/ address. The checkout form tags must be placed inside the form.

Basic customer information is collected during the previous checkout stage.

Sivupohjan ominaisuudet

Sivupohjan sijainti
Sivupohjan URL
Asetettu näkyvyys

Hyödyllisiä tageja

Toteutus oletusteemassa

<div id="MultiPageCheckout" class="clearfix">

	<form action="/checkout/" method="post">
		<div class="FormItem HeaderItem">

			mode: 'form',
			before: '<fieldset>',
			after: '</fieldset>'

		<div class="FormItem FormSubmit">
			<button type="submit" class="SubmitButton">{%CheckoutContinue}</button>

