A checkout page on which the customers can select the shipping method for their order.


This template is used for the 3rd stage of the multi-page checkout.

The customer is directed to select the shipping method after the customer and shipping information have been filled and no shipping method has been selected for the order yet.

If an error occurs during the shipping method selection, the customer is directed to this template.

The list for selecting the shipping method is added to the page by using the {CheckoutShippingMethods} tag.

You may also want to include the option to select the shipping address in the template.

The template should contain the HTML form used for sending POST requests to the /checkout/ address. You should include in this form all input fields that belong to this checkout stage.

Template properties

Template location
Template URL

Default theme implementation

<div id="MultiPageCheckout" class="clearfix">

	<form action="/checkout/" method="post">

		<fieldset id="CheckoutShippingMethods">

			<div class="FormItem HeaderItem">



		<div class="FormItem FormSubmit">
			<button type="submit" class="SubmitButton">{%CheckoutContinue}</button>

