Tags that print shopping cart details such as totals, and shipping and payment methods' details.{CartTotal}Prints the total amount of the shopping cart.{CartOpenTotal}Prints the shopping cart's open total (taking discounts into account).{CartItems}Prints the information how many different products have been added to the shopping cart.{CartTotalItems}Prints the total quantity of the products added to the shopping cart.{CartTax}Prints the shopping cart's total tax.{CartTaxRate}Prints the shopping cart's average tax rate.{CartTotalWithoutTax} (deprecated)Prints the total price of the shopping cart excluding tax.{CartSubtotal}Prints the order subtotal of the shopping cart.{CartWeight}Prints the total weight of the products in the shopping cart.{CartShippingMethod}Prints details of the shipping method used in the shopping cart.{CartPaymentMethod}Prints details of the payment method selected in the shopping cart.{CartCouponCode}Prints the discount code enabled in the shopping cart (a discount coupon or a campaign code).{CartSubtotalTaxRate}Prints the average tax rate of the shopping cart's order subtotal.{CartSubtotalTax}Prints the taxable amount of the shopping cart's order subtotal.{CartSubtotalWithoutTax} (poistuva)Prints the order subtotal of the shopping cart excluding tax.{CartDiscountTaxRate}Prints the average tax rate of the shopping cart's discount.{CartDiscount}Prints the total amount of the shopping cart's discount.{CartDiscountLabel}Prints the shopping cart's type of discount if a discount influences the shopping cart's price.{CartDiscountTax}Prints the taxable amount of the shopping cart's discount.{CartDiscountWithoutTax}Prints the shopping cart's discount sum excluding tax.{CartShippingCostsTaxRate}Prints the tax rate of the shopping cart's shipping costs.{CartShippingCosts}Prints the shopping cart's shipping costs.{CartShippingCostsTax}Prints the taxable amount of the shopping cart's shipping costs.{CartShippingCostsWithoutTax} (poistuva)Prints the shopping cart's shipping costs excluding VAT.{CartPaymentCostsTaxRate}Prints the average tax rate of the shopping cart's payment fee.{CartPaymentCosts}Prints the shopping cart's payment fee.{CartPaymentCostsTax}Prints the taxable amount of the shopping cart's payment fee.{CartPaymentCostsWithoutTax}Prints the shopping cart's payment fee excluding VAT.{CartShippingMethods}Prints all shipping methods enabled for the shopping cart.{CartID}Prints the shopping cart's individual ID number.{CartComment}Prints the saved comment on the order.Pääaihe: Shopping cart