Tags that print product bundle details and purchase tools.See also the following help articles:Product bundles in the user guideBundle product tagsImplementing product bundles in the store's layout theme{Bundles}Prints a list of the store's product bundles.{FeaturedBundles}Prints a list of product bundles marked as featured.{BundleName}Prints the name of a product bundle.{BundleID}Prints the automatically created ID of a product bundle.{BundleClass}Prints the product bundle's class names.{BundleCategoryID}Prints the ID of the product category in which the product bundle is set to display.{BundleUrl}Prints the product bundle's URL address.{BundleShortDesc}Prints the product bundle's short description, i.e. the list of included products.{BundlePrices}Prints the product bundle's discount price and comparison price.{BundlePrice}Prints the product bundle's discount price.{BundleBuy}Prints the product bundle's purchase form.{BundleComparePrice}Prints the product bundle's comparison price, i.e. the total of the regular prices of the product bundle's products.{BundleAvailability}Prints information about the product bundle's availability.{BundleStockDeliveryPeriod}Prints the product bundle's shipping time if one of its products is out of stock.{BundleStockBalance}Prints the product bundle's stock balance.{BundleImages}Prints the product bundle's own image as well as the main images of each of the bundle's products.{BundleThumbnails}Prints the product bundle's own image and main images of all products included in the bundle.{BundleImage}Prints the product bundle's image or the image of a bundle product if the tag is used on a product image list.{BundleImageUrl}Prints a URL address for the product bundle's main image or images of the bundle products if the tag is used on the product image list.{BundleImageCaption}Prints a caption for the product bundle's main image or images of the bundle products if the tag is used on the product image list.Pääaihe: Product bundles