
By default, the tag prints the banner's banner image and caption. To modify the output as you see fit, use banner tags in the helper attribute.

The banner to be printed is selected either based on the ID number or codename. To select a banner, use either the id or name attribute.


    id: int,
    name: string,
    class: string,
    helper: string


Toimii näkyvyydessä: globaali

Näkyvyyshelper-attribuutissa: banneri

Tags with global scope can be used on any template and in any tag.



The banner's ID number.

The banner ID number can be found in a browser's address bar when the banner is being edited or viewed in the admin panel.

Allowed values: the banner's ID number expressed as an integer


The banner's codename.

The codename can be found in the banner details in the admin panel.

Allowed values: the banner's codename expressed as a string


Defines the HTML classes for a banner.

The classes are printed by using the {BannerClass} tag.

Allowed values: space-separated class names.

E.g. class:'Banner FronpageBanner Wide'


Defines the content and markup format of a printout.

Allowed values: the Interface and HTML markup that define the output's markup and content.

The helper attribute can be used in two ways:

See also detailed instructions on using the helper attribute.


By using the after and before attributes you can define content that is output either after or before the tag's output.

Allowed values:HTML and Interface markup.


If the tag does not produce any content, neither the content of the after and before attributes will be output.


Allowed values:true/false. The default value is false.


Defines alternative content that is displayed if the tag itself does not produce any content.

Allowed values:HTML and Interface markup.

E.g. or:'Sisältöä ei löytynyt.'