Prints a list of items on the wishlist.


The tag prints content only if the customer is logged in to the online store.

The tag does not output anything by default. The content of the list is determined using product tags in the helper attribute.

For products removed from the online store, it is possible to display the name, product number, and image on the wishlist. In addition, each removed product item has the class name RemovedProduct.


    helper: string    


Required scope: globaali

Scope in helper attribute: tuote

Tags with global scope can be used on any template and in any tag.



Defines the content and output format of a single list element.

Allowed values: the Interface and HTML markup that define the output's markup and content.

The helper attribute can be used in two ways:

  • you can indicate the desired markup directly as the attribute's value, or
  • you can indicate a reference to a file with the desired markup as the attribute's value.

    The reference should be indicated in relation to the theme's root directory.

See also detailed instructions on using the helper attribute.