A checkout page that displays all checkout sections on a single page. Individual checkout sections can be updated with AJAX requests.


In order to implement a single-page checkout, you're going to need JavaScript code to send AJAX requests to the online store's server and update individual checkout sections asynchronously.

The template must always contain a <form> element sent via a POST request to the /checkout/ address. The checkout form tags must be placed inside the form.

If the single-page checkout template is missing in a theme and theme settings are <SinglePage supported="true" />, the MyCashflow default theme's single-page checkout will be used instead.

Sivupohjan ominaisuudet

Sivupohjan sijainti
Sivupohjan URL
Asetettu näkyvyys

Toteutus oletusteemassa

This example is taken from MyCashflow’s Barebones default theme

{Helper(file: 'helpers/header')}
<div class="SiteContent">
	<div class="Container">
		<div class="Grid">
			<div class="Col-4-12 Col-Tablet-Push-8-12 Hide-Tablet">
				<div id="StickyCart">
						file: 'helpers/mini-cart',
						before: '<div class="MiniCart MiniCart-Checkout">',
						after: '</div>'
						action: 'checkout',
						before: '<div class="CampaignCodeForm">',
						after: '</div>'
			<div class="Col-7-12 Col-Tablet-Pull-4-12 Col-Tablet-12-12">
					before: '<div class="Notifications">',
					after: '</div>'
				<form id="CheckoutForm" action="/checkout/" method="post">
					<div class="ContentSection">
						<div class="Flex Flex-Collapse">
							<div class="FlexItem">
							<div class="FlexItem FlexSpacer"></div>
							<div class="FlexItem">
									case: 'CustomerNotLogged',
									file: '{{<a  class="Button" href="/account/login/" data-modal data-modal-helper="helpers/modals/login">{%Login}</a>}}',
									or: '<a  class="Button" href="/account/logout/">{%Logout}</a>'
						<fieldset id="CheckoutBillingAddress" data-checkout-part="BillingAddress">
								mode: 'form',
								ajax: 'true'
					<div class="ContentSection">
						{Notifications(name: 'CustomerShippingAddressError')}
						<div class="FormItem CheckWrap">
							<div class="Checks">
									<input type="checkbox" data-checkout-toggle="#CheckoutShippingAddress" />
						<div id="CheckoutShippingAddressWrap">
							<p id="RemoveShippingAddress">
								<span class="fa fa-trash"></span>
								<a href="#" data-checkout-clear="#CheckoutShippingAddress">
							<fieldset id="CheckoutShippingAddress" data-checkout-part="ShippingAddress">
									mode: 'form',
									ajax: 'true'
					<div class="ContentSection">
						<div id="CheckoutShippingMethods" data-checkout-part="ShippingMethods">
								mode: 'form',
								ajax: 'true'
					<div class="ContentSection">
						<fieldset id="CheckoutPaymentMethods" data-checkout-part="PaymentMethods">
								mode: 'form',
								ajax: 'true'
					<div class="ContentSection">
						<div class="Hide-Desktop">
								file: 'helpers/mini-cart',
								before: '<div class="MiniCart MiniCart-Checkout">',
								after: '</div>'
								<a href="#" data-modal data-modal-helper="helpers/modals/campaign-code-checkout">
{Helper(file: 'helpers/footer')}