A checkout page that displays all checkout sections on a single page. Individual checkout sections can be updated with AJAX requests.


In order to implement a single-page checkout, you're going to need JavaScript code to send AJAX requests to the online store's server and update individual checkout sections asynchronously.

You do not need to write all the JavaScript code by yourself, as you can use the checkout.js plugin available in the Barebones theme. You can copy the file to your own theme or implement the theme by customizing the new default theme.

The template must always contain a <form> element sent via a POST request to the /checkout/ address. The checkout form tags must be placed inside the form.

If the single-page checkout template is missing in a theme and theme settings are <SinglePage supported="true" />, the MyCashflow default theme's single-page checkout will be used instead.

Template properties

Template location
Template URL

Default theme implementation

This example is taken from MyCashflow’s Barebones default theme

{Helper(file: 'helpers/header')}
<div class="SiteContent">
	<div class="Container">
		<div class="Grid">
			<div class="Col-4-12 Col-Tablet-Push-8-12 Hide-Tablet">
				<div id="StickyCart">
						file: 'helpers/mini-cart',
						before: '<div class="MiniCart MiniCart-Checkout">',
						after: '</div>'
						action: 'checkout',
						before: '<div class="CampaignCodeForm">',
						after: '</div>'
			<div class="Col-7-12 Col-Tablet-Pull-4-12 Col-Tablet-12-12">
					before: '<div class="Notifications">',
					after: '</div>'
				<form id="CheckoutForm" action="/checkout/" method="post">
					<div class="ContentSection">
						<div class="Flex Flex-Collapse">
							<div class="FlexItem">
							<div class="FlexItem FlexSpacer"></div>
							<div class="FlexItem">
									case: 'CustomerNotLogged',
									file: '{{<a  class="Button" href="/account/login/" data-modal data-modal-helper="helpers/modals/login">{%Login}</a>}}',
									or: '<a  class="Button" href="/account/logout/">{%Logout}</a>'
						<fieldset id="CheckoutBillingAddress" data-checkout-part="BillingAddress">
								mode: 'form',
								ajax: 'true'
					<div class="ContentSection">
						{Notifications(name: 'CustomerShippingAddressError')}
						<div class="FormItem CheckWrap">
							<div class="Checks">
									<input type="checkbox" data-checkout-toggle="#CheckoutShippingAddress" />
						<div id="CheckoutShippingAddressWrap">
							<p id="RemoveShippingAddress">
								<span class="fa fa-trash"></span>
								<a href="#" data-checkout-clear="#CheckoutShippingAddress">
							<fieldset id="CheckoutShippingAddress" data-checkout-part="ShippingAddress">
									mode: 'form',
									ajax: 'true'
					<div class="ContentSection">
						<div id="CheckoutShippingMethods" data-checkout-part="ShippingMethods">
								mode: 'form',
								ajax: 'true'
					<div class="ContentSection">
						<fieldset id="CheckoutPaymentMethods" data-checkout-part="PaymentMethods">
								mode: 'form',
								ajax: 'true'
					<div class="ContentSection">
						<div class="Hide-Desktop">
								file: 'helpers/mini-cart',
								before: '<div class="MiniCart MiniCart-Checkout">',
								after: '</div>'
								<a href="#" data-modal data-modal-helper="helpers/modals/campaign-code-checkout">
{Helper(file: 'helpers/footer')}