The support for the Posti Prinetti service is coming to the end. All shipping methods that use Prinetti must be updated to start using other services. MyCashflow provides automatic migration from Prinetti to nShift or Shipit. Read this article to find out more.

MyCashflow has introduced a tool for automatic migration from Prinetti to nShift or Shipit. The tool hides the old Prinetti shipping methods and replaces them with corresponding Posti services via the nShift or Shipit interface.

Along with the tool, we have introduced the built-in nShift eCom LITE service (described in more detail below). Shipit is not built-in, which means that you should activate the Shipit extension before you can migrate from Prinetti to Shipit automatically.

Automatic migration to other shipping services is not available. If you'd like to use other services (e.g. Posti SmartShip), remove all the shipping methods that use Prinetti and create new ones that use the desired service. Creating new shipping methods is now easier with the new function for copying shipping methods.

We also added a form for the separate sender contact information to the store's settings. The information can be used in Posti's shipping labels.

nShift plans

In MyCashflow, you can choose between two nShift plans:

  • The nShift eCom PRO extension, with a monthly fee, enables you to use all the logistics services supported by nShift.
  • The built-in nShift eCom LITE, with no monthly fee but with a higher transaction-specific provision, allows you to use only those nShift services that have been integrated with MyCashflow.

Stores with smaller logistics needs may prefer the LITE plan. Before you start to use nShift, assess your store's monthly logistics needs to decide which nShift plan would be more suitable for your store.

See the instructions on how to start using nShift:


In MyCashflow, there are separate pricings for nShift eCom PRO and eCom LITE:

  • eCom PRO: The costs of using the nShift eCom PRO extension are €10/mo. + €0.30/shipment.
  • eCom LITE: The fixed costs of using the nShift eCom LITE service are €0.40/printed shipping label. Additionally, logistics companies might charge you separately for using some specific services.

If you choose the eCom LITE plan, MyCashflow will invoice the costs of printing shipping labels. In the PRO plan, commissions will be invoiced by nShift.

Using the migration tool

  1. If you want to replace Prinetti with Shipit, activate the Shipit extension first.
  2. Start the migration from Prinetti to nShift or Shipit via the notification displayed in the admin panel.
  3. Select the desired service.

    If you have selected nShift, accept the terms of service.

  4. Press Save changes.

    A new shipping method has replaced each old Printetti shipping method in the store. The old shipping methods have been hidden.

  5. Finally, review all the new shipping methods and, optionally, remove the old ones.