There are several reasons why your online store's shipping methods may be hidden. Go through all the reasons listed in this article to find out why shipping methods aren't displayed at checkout.

1) The relevant store version hasn't been selected in the shipping method's settings

  1. In your online store's admin panel, go to the shipping method list on the page Settings > Shipping methods.
  2. Check the left-hand pane for shipping methods that are grayed out.

    These shipping methods aren't visible in any store version.

  3. Open each grayed out shipping method for editing.
  4. In the shipping method form's Enabled in version item, select all the store versions in which the shipping method should be visible.
  5. Once you've made the necessary changes, save the shipping method.
  6. As a precaution, check the visibility of all of your store's shipping methods.

2) The customer has selected products whose sizes don't match any shipping method

During order placement, the checkout will display only those shipping methods that can deliver all the products selected for the order.

Therefore, if an order contains a product that should be delivered in a Big parcel, but there's no shipping method for which this package size has been enabled, the checkout won't display any shipping methods:

  1. Note down all products for which no shipping methods are displayed at checkout.
  2. Open the products for editing.
  3. Check the package size selected for the product in the product form's Weight item.
  4. In the admin panel, go to the Settings > Shipping methods page.
  5. Select the shipping method with which you'd like to ship the product.

    The shipping method details show the package sizes that the shipping method can deliver.

    If the shipping method's allowed package sizes don't include the product's package size, the shipping method won't be displayed at checkout if the product is included in the order.

  6. Open the shipping method for editing, and select all relevant package sizes in the settings form's Shipping method limitations item.
  7. Save the shipping method, and go through the rest of shipping methods and products in the same way.

3) The shipping country selected by the customer is not selected in the shipping method's settings

  1. Select the shipping method that is not visible at checkout, and open it for editing.

    The settings form's Shipping countries item lists all countries to which you can deliver products with this shipping method.

    If the customer selects a country that is not allowed when ordering, the shipping method won't be displayed at checkout.

  2. To add a country to the list of allowed countries, select it on the list of disallowed countries, and click Choose selected at the top of the list.
  3. Finally, save the shipping method.
  4. Go through the rest of your store's shipping methods, and make sure that they have the correct countries allowed.

4) The customer's postal code is outside of the specified postal code area

You can use postal code restrictions to limit the availability of a shipping method to selected locations in Finland and Åland. You can use fixed postal codes (e.g. 00100 = delivery only to the Helsinki city center) or postal code range (e.g. 00* = delivery to the whole of Helsinki).

If a shipping method is subject to a postal code restriction and the customer's address is out of its bounds, the shipping method won't be displayed at checkout at all.

  1. Go to the admin panel's Orders > Shopping carts page, and check the shopping cart details for the postal code provided by the customer.
  2. On the Settings > Shipping methods page, select the shipping method that is not displayed at checkout.
  3. See the postal code restrictions specified in the shipping method's details.
  4. When necessary, add new supported postal codes or postal code areas to the shipping method.

Learn more about using postal code restrictions.

5) The combined weight of order products exceeds the shipping methods' weight limits

  1. Check the combined weight of products in the order for which no shipping methods were displayed as well as the individual weight of each order product.

    Check the weight marked for each product in the product form's Weight item.

    To see the order's total weight, go to the order page.

Once you've checked the order's and order products' weight, check the products' shipping methods' weight limits:
  1. Select a shipping method on the Settings > Shipping methods page.
  2. Check the weight limits in the shipping method's details.

    Make sure that the order's total weight does not exceed the weight limits.

    If the weight of an individual product or the whole order exceeds the maximum weight limit of the shipping method, create a new weight limit or, if necessary, an entirely new shipping method for heavier orders.

  3. Check other shipping methods' weight limits as well.