By default, if you use MyCashflow's checkout, the order confirmation will display a text on making returns which you can edit in the admin panel.
The default return terms are compliant with the requirements defined by the EU directive on consumer rights of 25 October 2011. However, the default return text may not be suitable for all online stores, and you may want to edit the texts about the right to return.
The texts can be edited via MyCashflow's dictionary tool, which you can find on the page in the admin panel. The return text is made of texts with the following codes:
LegalPaymentReturn LegalReturnImplications LegalReturnNotification LegalReturnNotificationMethod LegalReturnPeriod LegalReturnRights LegalShipmentReturnExpenses LegalShipmentReturnImpairment LegalShipmentReturnPeriod
You can easily find them by indicating return as a search term in the dictionary tool.