At times you may need to add a discount or additional fee to an order later on. Here you can learn how to change the order's total after processing.

If the payment method used for the order always includes an invoicing fee, you can set it up in the payment method's settings, in the Payment costs for customer item.

But if you'd like to add a refund or an invoicing fee to an individual order afterwards, here's how:

  • Create a hidden product in your online store, for example under the name Invoicing fee / Refund at the price of 0 €.
  • Add the product to the relevant order, and set the amount you'd like to invoice/refund as its price.
  • The order total will be corrected.

Adding a refund or an invoicing fee to the order

  1. First, add an invoicing fee or a refund product to your online store. Enter 0 € as the product's price.
  2. On the admin panel's Orders page, search for and open the desired order.
  3. Select Correct shipment information in the tool menu on the right side of the shipment row.

    The shipment will go back to the In process stage.

  4. Add the invoicing fee / refund product to the order.
  5. Set the product's price in the order.
    • Jos kyseessä on laskutuslisä, aseta tuotteen hinnaksi laskutettava summa.
    • Jos kyseessä on ostohyvitys, anna tuotteelle negatiivinen hinta.

After you've set the product's price, a notification will be displayed at the top of the order page allowing you to create a new payment transaction to correct the order total. Create a new payment transaction, and set as its sum the price that you entered for the invoicing fee / refund product.

You can then invoice or refund the sum as needed. Finally, mark the payment transaction on the order page as paid, and change the order status to Delivered.